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The Hairy Canary Fly Phaonia jaroschewskii (Schnabl, 1888) is a yellow European muscid fly. This species is found on sphagnum moss on healthy wet bog ecosystems. The larvae feed on Sphagnum bog mosses. It is of interest as indicator of the health of lowland sphagnum bogs, as it will disappears if the bog deteriorates. because of this the Hairy Canary Fly is one of the species listed in the United Kingdom Biodiversity Action Plan.
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[edit] References
- Anon Notable invertebrates associated with lowland heathland [1]
- Erikas LUTOVINOVAS, Saulius PAKALNIÐKIS, Andrius PETRAÐIÛNAS, Jolanta RIMÐAITË (2001): A Supplement to the Diptera Fauna of Lithuania [2]