Image talk:Ph general map.png

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Hey Seav! You're map is missing a whole bunch of territories which right now under foreign occupation. The 1898 Revolution was to unite not just the inhabitants of the Philippine Archipaelago but all parts of Spanish Asia and Oceania. Unfortunately the U.S. got to them before we did.

You could include them and say they still under dispute.

  1. North Borneo (Malaysia)
  2. the Spratley Island Group (west of Palawan)
  3. Orchid Island (Taiwan)
  4. Marianas Islands (Guam & North Marianas U.S.)
  5. Carolinas Islands (Federated States of Micronesia)
  6. Palaos Islands (Palau)
  7. Ladrones Islands

I disagree... what the map should show are the territories where the Philippines exercises unquestionable sovereignty. I'm actually quite surprised by your list. As far as I know, only the Spratly Islands and Sabah are the disputed territories. Anyway, internationally disputed territories (e.g., Kashmir, Golan Heights, Gaza Strip, West Bank) are treated with political-correctness and in a neutral point of view. The disputed territories of the Philippines are actually discussed in Foreign relations of the Philippines. --seav 09:16, Oct 12, 2003 (UTC)