Talk:Petrarch's testamentum
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I thought you had dropped those names by accident. They are listed in Petrarch's testamentum, however if you want those names out it doesn't make any difference to me. Actually I believe it looks better without those names. I was just correcting what I thought was an accident. We'll leave them out then, since I didn't realize this was an issue with you. Was only trying to fix an accident, didn't realize it was that you intentionally wanted those names left out of his Will. You didn't mention that anywhere that it was important that those names be left out of his Will (for whatever reason), so I had no way of knowing.--Doug talk 21:30, 2 July 2007 (UTC)
Adding the word "among" is excellent and clarifies that there are others; whereas before it implied these were the only heirs. It is now quite clear with this word improvement. Thanks.--Doug talk 22:25, 2 July 2007 (UTC)
I am not interested in adding back these names, however I checked my copy of Mommsen's Petrarch's testamentum and these names are definitely there. On page 93 of his book it shows also the notaries as being "Nicco, son of the late Ser Barolomeo and Nicoleto, son of Ser Pietro" and that they had notorized with their signatures at the bottom (item 31).
Just curious only.--Doug talk 23:57, 2 July 2007 (UTC)