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Petuaria (or Petuaria Parisorum) was a Roman fort situated where the town of Brough-on-Humber in the East Riding of Yorkshire now stands.

It was founded in 70 AD and abandoned in about 125. The adjacent civitas (civil town) survived until about 370, and was probably the capital of the Celtic tribe called the Parisii. Petuaria marked the southern end of the Roman road known now as Cade's Road, which ran roughly northwards for a hundred miles to Pons Aelius (modern day Newcastle-upon-Tyne). The section from Petuaria to Eboracum (York) was also the final section of Ermine Street.

Archaeological excavations of the site of Petuaria were carried out in the 1930s and between 1958 and 1961. The dedication stone of the Roman theatre was among the finds.

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