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The Petmeza family (Greek: Πετιμεζάς) or Petmezades (Πετμεζάδες) or Petmezaioi/Petmezei (Πετμεζαίοι) are descended from Kalavrytia and had a considerable participation in the Greek War of Independence and in the political views. The family are mainly descended from Epirus with its name Vlassis (Βλάσσης). They were prosecuted by the Turks and left for the Peloponnese where it councilled its member near Kalavryta, Pyrgos and the village of Soudena. Between those family members, he slayed a Turk and was surnamed "Petimezi", the fammily of Vlassis named their nicknames Petimezades and finally defeated in epithet. Other than hat, one person with the name Vasileios was killed in Mani, during the Orlov revolt in the area of Vysoka, where 16 Petimezades were killed.

[edit] Members

The most important members of the Petmezas family include:

  • Athanasios Petimezas
  • Konstantis Petimezas, revolutionary leader
  • Ioannis Petimezas, son of Konstanti, revolutionay leader
  • Andreas Petimezas, revolutionay leader, brother of Ioannis
  • Sotitis Petimezas, revolutionary leader, son of Ioannis, he was slayed in Vysoka near Kalavryta.
  • Golfinos Petimezas, revolutionary leader
  • Vasileios Petimezas, politician, revolutionary leader, son of Athanasios
  • Nikolaos Petimezas (elder), revolutionary leader, brother of Athanassios
  • Anagnostis Petimezas, revolutionary leader, son of Sotiris
  • Ioannis Petimezas, another revolutionary leader, brother of Athanassios, son of Kostantis
  • Sotiris Petimezas, another revolutionary leader, son of Anagnostis, he was slayed in 1822 by the Turks.
  • Vasileios Petimezas (younger), brother of Sotiris
  • Sotirios Petimezas (brother of Nikolaos)
  • Georgios Petimezas (brother of Nikolaos)
  • Georgios Petimezas (cousin of Georgios Petimezas)
  • Iraklis Petimezas, politician
  • Athanasios Petmezas
  • Epameinondas Petmezas
  • Konstantinos Petimezas
  • Nikolaos Petimezas (younger), writer, soldier and a prefectural leader
  • Thrasyvoulos Petimezas, lawman and politician
  • Golfinos Petmezas, navy leader during the war of independence
  • Panoraia Petimeza, revolutinary leader
  • Nikolos Petimezas, revolutionary leader
  • Giannakis Petimezas, revolutionary leader

[edit] Honours

Streets in most cities, towns and villages in Greece particuarly near his hometown are named after, it has two statues that honour Nikolaos in Kalavryta.
