Pete Roche

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Pete Roche helped set up the Scottish Campaign to Resist the Atomic Menace (Scram) in 1976, which opposed the construction of Torness nuclear power station in East Lothian. Roche helped organise 10,000-strong rallies at the site in the late 1970s and 1980s. Buildings were occupied at the site and the group used non-violent direct action.[1]

Roche has been an environmental campaigner for over 25 years, and has worked on energy efficiency matters as consultant. Roche has represented Greenpeace at international and national forums and his research interests include the effects of radiation on environmental systems. He is author of many publications on energy efficiency and renewable energy.[2]

[edit] References

  1. ^ Nuclear veterans vow to fight on
  2. ^ Mr Pete Roche

[edit] External links