Petasites frigidus

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Petasites frigidus
Arctic Sweet Coltsfoot
Arctic Sweet Coltsfoot
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Asterales
Family: Asteraceae
Tribe: Senecioneae
Genus: Petasites
Species: P. frigidus
Binomial name
Petasites frigidus
(L.) Fr.

Petasites frigidus (Arctic Butterbur or Arctic Sweet Coltsfoot; syn. P. speciosa) is a species of Petasites native to Arctic to cool temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere in northern Europe, northern Asia and northern North America.

It is a herbaceous perennial plant producing flowering stems in early spring, and large leaves through the summer. The upright flowering stems are 10-20 cm tall, and bear only 5-12 inflorescences, yellowish-white to pink in colour. The leaves are rounded, 15-20 cm broad, with a deeply cleft base and shallowly lobed margin, and rise directly from the underground rootstock. The underside of the leaves is covered with matted, woolly, fuzz. It grows in moist shaded ground, preferring stream banks and seeping ground of cut-banks.

Petasites speciosa is treated as a distinct species by some authors, but Hitchcock & Cronquist (1955) synonymise it with P. frigidus.

P. f. var. palmatus fruit and leaves
P. f. var. palmatus fruit and leaves

[edit] Uses

The leaf stalks and flower stems (with flowers) are edible, and can be used as a vegetable dish. A salt-substitute can also be made by drying and then burning the leaves. This black, powdery substance will provide a salty taste.

[edit] References

[edit] External links

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