Pest-exclusion fence

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Xcluder pest-exclusion fence around perimeter of Maungatautari
Xcluder pest-exclusion fence around perimeter of Maungatautari
Photo of the Rabbit proof fence in northern Australia, taken in 2005
Photo of the Rabbit proof fence in northern Australia, taken in 2005

A pest-exclusion fence is built to exclude certain types of animal pests from an enclosure. This may be to protect plants in horticulture, to preserve grassland for grazing animals, or to protect endemic species in nature reserves.


[edit] Design techniques

Animals can be excluded by a fence's height, depth under the ground and mesh size.

[edit] Examples

[edit] Use in New Zealand

Prior to human settlement New Zealand had no land based mammals apart from three bat species. The introduced mammal species have since caused huge ecological changes to the biota of New Zealand. Pest-exclusion fences are increasingly used for conservation of indigenous species by excluding all mammals.

Locations of predator proof fences include:

[edit] See also

[edit] References