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The pertechnetate (technetate(VII)) ion is an oxoanion with the chemical formula TcO4. A technetate(VII) is a compound containing this ion. Pertechnetates are salts of technetic(VII) acid. Pertechnetate is analogous to permanganate but it has little oxidizing power.

A technetium-99m generator, also known as a cow, provides pertechnetate for medical uses. Since technetate(VII) can substitute for iodine in the Na/I Symporter (NIS) Channel in follicular cells of the thyroid gland, inhibiting uptake of iodine into the follicular cells. Tc99m-pertechnetate is used for nuclear medicine imaging of the thyroid gland.[citation needed]

Technetate(VII) radiolabeled with Tc99m is also the marker injected into the body looking for ectopic gastric tissue as is found in a Meckel's diverticulum. This nuclear imaging study is otherwise known as a "Meckel's Scan".[citation needed]

Solutions of technetate(VII) react with the surface of iron to form technetium dioxide, in this way it is able to act as an anodic corrosion inhibitor. Powdered iron is one method of removing it from water.[citation needed]