Pero Budmani

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Pero Budmani
Pero Budmani

Pero Budmani (1835 – 1914) born in Ragusa (Dubrovnik) was a Serb linguist and philologist, who first used the name Serbo-Croatian in his book of grammar (Grammatica della lingua serbo-croata; Vienna, 1867). The Vukovian- based effort of language standardization lasted the remainder of the century, and culminated in the 1899 publication of Tomo Maretić’s Gramatika i stilistika hrvatskoga ili srpskoga književnog jezika (Grammar and Stylistics of the Croatian or Serbian Literary Language). Throughout this period, Croatia was still part of Austria-Hungary. Later was member of the Academy and translator. He was the editor of the dictionary of the Yugoslav Academy of Sciences and Arts based in Zagreb, Croatia.
