Pernis (bird)

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Honey Buzzard
Honey Buzzard
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Falconiformes
Family: Accipitridae
Genus: Pernis
Cuvier, 1816

P. apivorus
P. ptilorhynchus
P. celebensis

Pernis is a genus of birds in the raptor subfamily Perninae. It consists of three medium-sized broad-winged species.

They breed in temperate and warmer climates of the Old World, and are specialist feeders on wasp larvae. The two temperate species, the European and Oriental Honey Buzzards, are migratory.

They breed in woodland, and are often inconspicuous except when displaying.

The members of this genus have plumage which mimics that of juvenile Common Buzzard or of Spizaetus hawk-eagles. It has been suggested that the similarity has arisen as a partial protection against predation by larger raptors such as goshawks, which may be wary about attacking what appears to be a better-protected species with stronger bill and talons than the hony buzzards actually possess.

[edit] References

  • British Birds, volume 99, March 2006
  • Ferguson-Lees, Christie, Franklin, Mead and Burton Raptors of the World ISBN: 0713680261
  • Gensbøl, Benny (1989). Collins guide to the Birds of Prey of Britain and Europe North Africa and the Middle East, William Collins Sons and Co Ltd. ISBN 0-00-219176-8