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Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Infraclass: Neoptera
Order: Plecoptera
Family: Perlidae


Perlidae is a family of stoneflies.

There are 15 genera with a total of 72 species (Voshell). The majority of the Perlidae are found in the East. The life cycle length can be between 1 and 3 years. They adults emerge in the summertime. The adults are very active and known to be attracted to light sources. They are usually very sensitive to changes in environment.

Perlidae are usually lotic and lentic erosional. They are found in cool, clear medium to large streams and sometimes in larger, warm rivers that carry silt. They are crawlers and can move quickly. In still water, there is no water moving over their gills so they move their body up and down to keep oxygen flowing over gills.

They are engulfer-predators. They consume all types of invertebrates. Very young larvae are collector-gatherers.