Per Saugstad

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Per Saugstad (born October 24, 1920) is a Norwegian psychologist who is currently emeritus professor at the University of Oslo.

After getting a degree in English from the University of Oslo, he went to the United States, receiving a Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of Chicago in 1952. Back in Norway, he joined the Department of Psychology at the University of Oslo, rising to full professor in 1967. Saugstad has done important research in several areas, such as visual perception, thinking, and language. Among his books are An inquiry into the foundations of psychology (1965) and Language: A theory of its structure and use (1989). In later years, he has been working mainly on the history of psychology.

He is the father of Professor of Pediatrics Ola Didrik Saugstad and Professor of Philosophy Jens Saugstad.