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The FAO and ASCE organizations are mentioned here only to substantiate the truth that this equation is in active use today, and provide implicit reference to their publications such as FAO-56 which I haven't retrieved links for yet. I am a member of ASABE, and I omitted any reference to that organization's existence.
While I use Penman-Monteith in my current work, it is by no means a "product" of me or any institution I take part in. The SWAT model may be a product for sale, though I think of it as an academic initiative in collaboration with the government of the USA. I only mention SWAT because it is a fairly ubiquitous hydrologic model used for continuous simulations that relies on the topic equation for ET calculations.
"Immediate Deletion" of this stub will only serve to perpetuate chronic bias in wikipedia to cover medical and internet technology early, and hardly acknowledge existence of terms fundamental to hydrological modeling originating in this recent decade.
I merely want to share information and help the Wikipedia project, but I get frustrated when Wikipedia repeatedly logs me out, thus making improvement of content frustratingly laborious.