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Regular pentachoron

Schlegel diagram
(vertices and edges)
Type Regular polychoron
Family simplex
Cells 5 (3.3.3)
Faces 10 {3}
Edges 10
Vertices 5
Vertex figure (3.3.3)
Schläfli symbol {3,3,3}
Coxeter-Dynkin diagram Image:CDW_ring.pngImage:CDW_3b.pngImage:CDW_dot.pngImage:CDW_3b.pngImage:CDW_dot.pngImage:CDW_3b.pngImage:CDW_dot.png
Symmetry group A4, [3,3,3]
Dual self-dual
Properties convex
Vertex figure: tetrahedron
Vertex figure: tetrahedron

The pentachoron, (also called a 5-cell, pentatope, or hyperpyramid) is a 4-simplex, the simplest convex polychoron (a type of four-dimensional geometric figure). It consists of 5 tetrahedral cells and is an analog of the triangle (2-simplex) and tetrahedron (3-simplex).

The regular pentachoron is one of the six regular convex polychora, and is represented by Schläfli symbol {3,3,3}.


[edit] Geometry

The pentachoron consists of five cells, all tetrahedra, and is self-dual. Its vertex figure is a tetrahedron. Its maximal intersection with 3-dimensional space is the triangular prism.

[edit] Images

Schlegel diagram wireframe
projected onto a 3-sphere

A 3D projection of a 5-cell performing a double rotation about two orthogonal planes.

Four orthographic projections

[edit] Construction

The pentachoron can be constructed from a tetrahedron by adding a 5th vertex such that it is equidistant with all the other vertices of the tetrahedron. (Essentially, the pentachoron is a 4-dimensional pyramid with a tetrahedral base.)

[edit] Projections

One of the possible projections of the pentachoron into 2 dimensions is the pentagram inscribed inside a pentagon.

Both the vertex-first and cell-first parallel projection of the pentachoron into 3 dimensions have a tetrahedral projection_envelope. The closest or farthest vertex of the pentachoron, respectively, projects to the center of the tetrahedron. The farthest/closest cell projects onto the tetrahedral envelope itself, while the other 4 cells project onto the 4 flattened tetrahedral regions surrounding the center.

The edge-first and face-first projections of the pentachoron into 3 dimensions have a triangular dipyramidal envelope. Two of the cells project to the upper and lower halves of the dipyramid, while the remaining 3 project to 3 non-regular tetrahedral volumes arranged around the central axis of the dipyramid at 120 degrees to each other.

[edit] Alternate names

  • 5-cell
  • 4-simplex
  • Pentatope
  • Pentahedroid (Henry Parker Manning)
  • Pen (Jonathan Bowers: for pentachoron)
  • Hyperpyramid

[edit] Related polychora

The pentachoron (5-cell) is the simplest of 9 uniform polychora constructed from the [3,3,3] Coxeter group:

Name Picture Coxeter-Dynkin
and Schläfli
Cells Faces Edges Vertices
5-cell Image:CDW_ring.pngImage:CDW_3.pngImage:CDW_dot.pngImage:CDW_3.pngImage:CDW_dot.pngImage:CDW_3.pngImage:CDW_dot.png
5 10 10 5
truncated 5-cell Image:CDW_ring.pngImage:CDW_3.pngImage:CDW_ring.pngImage:CDW_3.pngImage:CDW_dot.pngImage:CDW_3.pngImage:CDW_dot.png
10 30 40 20
rectified 5-cell Image:CDW_dot.pngImage:CDW_3.pngImage:CDW_ring.pngImage:CDW_3.pngImage:CDW_dot.pngImage:CDW_3.pngImage:CDW_dot.png
10 30 30 10
cantellated 5-cell Image:CDW_ring.pngImage:CDW_3.pngImage:CDW_dot.pngImage:CDW_3.pngImage:CDW_ring.pngImage:CDW_3.pngImage:CDW_dot.png
20 80 90 30
cantitruncated 5-cell Image:CDW_ring.pngImage:CDW_3.pngImage:CDW_ring.pngImage:CDW_3.pngImage:CDW_ring.pngImage:CDW_3.pngImage:CDW_dot.png
20 80 120 60
runcitruncated 5-cell Image:CDW_ring.pngImage:CDW_3.pngImage:CDW_ring.pngImage:CDW_3.pngImage:CDW_dot.pngImage:CDW_3.pngImage:CDW_ring.png
30 120 150 60
bitruncated 5-cell Image:CDW_dot.pngImage:CDW_3.pngImage:CDW_ring.pngImage:CDW_3.pngImage:CDW_ring.pngImage:CDW_3.pngImage:CDW_dot.png
10 40 60 30
runcinated 5-cell Image:CDW_ring.pngImage:CDW_3.pngImage:CDW_dot.pngImage:CDW_3.pngImage:CDW_dot.pngImage:CDW_3.pngImage:CDW_ring.png
30 70 60 20
omnitruncated 5-cell Image:CDW_ring.pngImage:CDW_3.pngImage:CDW_ring.pngImage:CDW_3.pngImage:CDW_ring.pngImage:CDW_3.pngImage:CDW_ring.png
30 150 240 120

[edit] References

[edit] External links

Convex regular 4-polytopes
pentachoron tesseract 16-cell 24-cell 120-cell 600-cell
{3,3,3} {4,3,3} {3,3,4} {3,4,3} {5,3,3} {3,3,5}