Peek-a-Boo (comics)

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Peek-a-Boo in Flash #180, art by Brian Bolland
Publication information
Publisher DC Comics
First appearance Flash v2, #180, (January 2002)
Created by Geoff Johns (writer)
Scott Kolins (artist)
In story information
Alter ego Lashawn Baez
Team affiliations The Rogues
Abilities Teleportation, implosions.

Peek-a-Boo is a fictional character, a supervillain in DC Comics and a member of Wally West's Rogue's Gallery. Created by Geoff Johns and Scott Kolins, the character first appeared in Flash v2, #180, (January 2002).


[edit] Fictional character biography

Peek-a-Boo is Lashawn Baez, a Central City Medical School graduate student who set aside her studies to take care of her father Tomas Baez when he fell ill. Tomas was in desperate need of a kidney transplant. Lashawn tried to donate hers, but the procedure activated her latent metagene, granting her teleportation powers, but making her unable to donate her kidney, because she teleported whenever she was touched. Lashawn decided that she would use her powers to find a matching donor organ for her father.[1][2]

As Peek-a-Boo, she sneaks into Central City Hospital to steal a kidney, but accidentally destroys a lab because her powers are unstable and dangerous. A random teleport is unintentionally set off by a doctor grabbing her arm, causing an implosion in which she disappeared, and which nearly kills the surprised surgeon. Peek-a-Boo is forced to fight the Flash and his ally Cyborg, who are able to defeat her after much difficulty, using a combination of a wall of white noise generated by Cyborg, and disorientation from hundreds of teleportings a second, deliberately triggered by the Flash. The Flash later returns the kidney to the hospital, and Lashawn is convicted and sent to Iron Heights. The Flash tried repeatedly to intercede on her behalf, but Warden Gregory Wolfe insisted on following the strict letter of the law, going so far as to drug Lashawn whenever anyone outside came to interview her.[1][2]

As a result of Gorilla Grodd's attack on the Iron Heights facility, Peek-a-Boo is able to escape. She goes directly to Central City Hospital in order to check on her father. Tomas Baez' doctors have been able to find a new kidney in time, but his ailing body rejected it, and Lashawn is just in time to sit with him as he dies. The Flash appears at the hospital, and confronts Peek-a-Boo. Lashawn, sick with grief and embittered by her incarceration, reveals that she had originally intended to become a hero like the Flash whom she had idolized. However, since being branded as a Rogue by Flash, she has rejected him and all he stood for. Nevertheless, Lashawn later saves the life of the Flash's wife, Linda Park, when Park is injured in the fight between Peek-a-Boo and the Flash. Lashawn then turns herself in to the police believing she has nothing left to live for, and currently remains in their custody.[1][2]

[edit] Powers and abilities

  • She can teleport by breaking down her molecular structure and then re-assembling her body elsewhere possibly by unconsciously entangling her molecules with molecules local to her destination.
  • Whenever someone touches her, she teleports a short distance away, this makes her difficult to capture.
  • Peek-a-Boo's teleportation powers can create dangerous implosions at their exit point if she isn't careful.
  • Lashawn has an advanced knowledge of medicine and first aid.

[edit] Brief bibliography

[edit] References

[edit] External links
