
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

# -*- coding: utf-8  -*-
This script can be used to update links transcluded using the {{PDFlink}} template.

Syntax: python [-ref: TemplateName]

Command line options:

-file:       Update pages listed in a text file.
-ref:        Update pages transcluding from a given page.
-cat:        Update pages from the given category.
-links:      Update pages linked from a given page.
-page:       Update that page.


# (c) Dispenser, 2007

import re, sys, time
import wikipedia, pagegenerators, login, config, catlib
import httplib, socket, urlparse

# Define global constants
readDelay  = 20 # seconds
writeDelay = 60 # seconds
SI_prefix  = ['bytes', '[[Kilobyte|kB]]', '[[Megabyte|MB]]', '[[Gigabyte|GB]]']
IEC_prefix = ['bytes', '[[Kibibyte|KiB]]', '[[Mebibyte|MiB]]', '[[Gibibyte|GiB]]']
# following char sperate url from title: []"<>\ \n
# {|} is included since we're in a template
urlpattern = re.compile(r'http[s]?://[^][<>\s"{|}]*', re.IGNORECASE)
httpHeader = {
        'User-Agent': 'PDFbot (',
        'Accept': 'application/pdf,application/octet-stream,*/*;q=0.5',
        'Accept-Charset': 'ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7',
        'Keep-Alive': '30',
        'Connection': 'keep-alive',

# Edit summary messages
msg_added = {
        'de': u'BOT: hinzufuegen der Dateigroesse markiert als {{PDFlink}}',
        'en': u'Added file size for external links tagged with {{[[Template:PDFlink|PDFlink]]}}',
msg_updated = {
        'de': u'BOT: Aktualisieren der Dateigroesse mit Vorlageeinbindung',
        'en': u'Updated file size of transcluded {{[[Template:PDFlink|PDFlink]]}}',
msg_fixed = {
        'de': u'BOT: Korrigierte Benutzung der Vorlage {{PDFlink}}',
        'en': u'Corrected usage of {{[[Template:PDFlink|PDFlink]]}}',
msg_removed_cite = {
        'de': u'BOT: Entfernen {{PDFlink}} entsprechend der zitierten Vorlage',
        'en': u'Remove {{PDFlink}} from citation template.',

def checkLink(location, useHEAD = True, counter = 5):
                while (counter >= 0 and location is not None):
                        (scheme, site, path, args, query, frag) = urlparse.urlparse(location)
                        if query != '':
                                query = '?' + query
                        if path == '':
                                path = '/'
                        if scheme == "http":
                                conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(site)
                        elif scheme == "https":
                                conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(site)
                        conn.request('HEAD', path + args + query, None, httpHeader)
                        #conn.putheader('User-Agent', userAgent)
                        response = conn.getresponse()
                        redirect = response.msg.getheader('location')
                        content_length = response.msg.getheader('content-length')
                        content_type   = response.msg.getheader('content-type')
                        response_code  = response.status
                        response_reason= response.reason
                        counter -= 1
                        if(redirect is not None):
                                wikipedia.output( u'STATUS:     HTTP %s Moved: %s to %s' % (response_code, location, redirect) )
                                if(redirect[:4] != "http"):
                                        location = urlparse.urljoin(location, redirect)
                                        location = redirect
                                location = None
                return [location, response_code, response_reason, content_length, content_type]
        except httplib.error, arg:
                wikipedia.output(u'ERROR:       HTTP %s %s' % (arg, location))
                return [location, 52, "", None, None]
        except socket.error, arg:
                wikipedia.output(u'ERROR:       Socket %s %s' % (arg, location))
                return [location, arg[0], arg[1], None, None]

# Convert the byte count to a human readable value
def binary_notation(size, base = 1024., prefix = IEC_prefix):
        a = float(size)
        exponent = 0
        while(a >= 1000.):
                a /= base
                exponent += 3

        # Truncate and remove trailing dot
        byteSigs = str(a)[:4]
        if (byteSigs.endswith('.')):
                byteSigs = byteSigs[:3]
        return byteSigs + ' ' + prefix[exponent / 3]

def fix_broken_links(link):
        #This function attempts to fix multipule broken link using its dictionary

        # Moving of resources
        link = link.replace('', '')
        link = link.replace('', '')
        link = link.replace('', '')
        # 301 Permanent Redirects
        link = link.replace('', '')
        link = link.replace('', '')
        link = link.replace('', '')
        link = link.replace('', '')
        link = link.replace('', '')
        link = link.replace('', '')
        link = link.replace('', '')
        link = link.replace('', '')
        link = link.replace('', '')
        link = link.replace('', '')
        link = link.replace('', '')
        link = link.replace('', '')
        return link

def update_size_paramter(template_text):
        m ='\{\{(?P<tpl>[^|]*)\|(1=)?(?P<text>[^|]*).*(, (?P<size>\d+) bytes .*)??\}\}', fix_broken_links(template_text))
        link_text ='text')
        location  =
        if('size') is not None and'size') !=''):
                old_size = int('size'))
                old_size = '0'
        if (link_text.find('=') != -1):
                parameter_prefix = '2='
                parameter_prefix = ''
        # Parse indirect HTML character references
        location = re.sub(r'&\#(\d\d);', r'%\1', location)
        location = re.sub(r'&', r'&', location)
        (redirect, response, reason, content_length, content_type) = checkLink(location)
        if (content_type is not None and content_length is not None and int(content_length) > 8 and int(content_length) != old_size):
                # I should really put in 404 error handling code, but this has been working just fine.
                if re.findall(r'pdf|octet-stream', content_type):
                        return  u'{{%s|%s|%s%s<!-- %s, %s bytes -->}}' % ('tpl'), link_text, parameter_prefix, binary_notation(content_length), content_type, content_length )
                        wikipedia.output(u'FIXME:       Bad response: content_type=%s, code=%s, location=%s' % (content_type, response, location))
        return template_text    
        # If anything else return template_text back

def process_article(page):
                wikitext = page.get()
                # Fix Casing (Reduces the number of possible expressions)
                wikitext = re.compile(r'\{\{\s*(template:|)pdf', re.IGNORECASE).sub(r'{{PDF', wikitext)
                # State point.  Count any changes as needing an update if they're after this line
                state0 = wikitext
                # Convert hard coded pdf links  (ex: [http link] (pdf) )
                wikitext = re.sub(r'(\[\w*://[^][]*\]) *\((\[\[[^|\]]*)?\.?(PDF|pdf) *([Ff]ile)? *([Ff]ormat)?(\]\])?\)', r'{{PDFlink|\1}}', wikitext)
                # Convert from the old style to the new style (ex: [http link] {{PDF}} or {{PDF}} [http link] )
                wikitext = re.sub(r'[(]?\{\{(PDFlink|PDF)\}\}[)]? *(\[http://[^][]*\])', r'{{\1|\2}}', wikitext)
                wikitext = re.sub(r'("?\[http[^]]*\]"?)([^a-zA-Z0-9()]*) *[(]?\{\{ *(PDFlink|PDF) *\}\}[)]?', r'{{\3|\1}}\2', wikitext)
                # Experimental: Convert with with tag at the end of a bullet list (ex: * [http link] some text ([[PDF]]) )
                wikitext = re.compile(r'(\n *\*+[^\n:/]*)(\[http://[^][]*\])([^\n:/]*) *[(](\[\[|\{\{)?(Portable Document Format[|]PDF|pdflink).?(pdf.?)?(file|format|datei)?(\}\}|\]\])?[)]', re.IGNORECASE).sub(r'\1{{PDFlink|\2}}\3', wikitext)
                wikitext = re.sub(r'(\n *\*+[^\n:/]*)(\[http://[^][]*\])([^\n:/]*) *\{\{(PDFlink|PDF)\}\}', r'\1{{\4|\2}}\3', wikitext)
                # Remove PDFlink from citation templates
                # {{cite |format={{PDF}}}}
                wikitext = re.sub(r'(format *= *)(PDF|pdf|)(\(|)\{\{PDF[^{}]*\}\}(\)|)', r'\1PDF', wikitext)
                #  {{cite.*?}}{{PDF}}
                wikitext = re.sub(r'(\{\{(Cite|cite)[^}]*)(}}[^a-zA-Z]*)(\(|)\{\{(PDF|PDFlink)\}\}(\)|)', r'\1 |format=PDF\3', wikitext)
                # {{cite | lang= EN {{PDF}} }}
                wikitext = re.sub(r'(\{\{.ite web[^}]*) *(\(|)\{\{(PDF|PDFlink)\}\}(\)|) *([^}]*\}\})', r'\1 |format=PDF \5', wikitext)
                state1 = wikitext
                m = re.findall(r'\{\{PDF[link]{0,4}\|[^{}]*?\}\}', wikitext)
                for s in m:
                        if re.findall(r'http[s]?://', s):
                                replacetext = update_size_paramter(s)
                                wikitext    = re.sub(re.escape(s), replacetext, wikitext)
                                # Uncomment the bellow line to see the replacement text
#                       wikipedia.output(u'OUTPUT:      %s' % replacetext)
                # Fix equal sign problem
                wikitext = re.sub(r'\{\{(PDF|PDFlink)\|(1=|)(.{2}[^{|}]+=[^{|}]+)', r'{{\1|1=\3', wikitext)
                # Test to see if file sizes parameter was untouched
                if wikitext == state1:
                        if len(wikitext) - len(state0) <= 4:
                                # 4 or more bytes removed typically indicate a embed citation removal
                                EditMsg = msg_removed_cite
                                EditMsg = msg_fixed
                        if len(wikitext) - len(state1) > 34:
                                # Minimum of 34 bytes to add file size information
                                EditMsg = msg_added
                                EditMsg = msg_updated
                wikipedia.setAction(wikipedia.translate(, EditMsg))
                # altert me if the page contains {{pdflink|no-link}}
                if re.findall(r'\{\{PDF(link|)\|[^:]*\}\}', wikitext):
                        wikipedia.output(u'FIXME:       No link in {{PDFlink}}')
                # If the text has changed at all since the state point, upload it
                if (wikitext != state0):
                                wikipedia.output(u'WRITE:       Delta length of %s bytes.' % str(len(wikitext)-len(state0)))
                                wikipedia.output(u'ERROR:       Except raised while writing.')
                        # Pause to reduce load on the servers
def main():
        site  = wikipedia.getSite()
        gen = None
        namespaces = [0]
        for arg in wikipedia.handleArgs():
                if arg.startswith('-ref:'):
                        referredPage = wikipedia.Page(site, arg[5:])
                        gen = pagegenerators.ReferringPageGenerator(referredPage)
                elif arg.startswith('-file:'):
                        gen = pagegenerators.TextfilePageGenerator(arg[6:])
                elif arg.startswith('-cat:'):
                        cat = catlib.Category(site, arg[5:])
                        gen = pagegenerators.CategorizedPageGenerator(cat)
                elif arg.startswith('-links:'):
                        pagelinks = wikipedia.Page(wikipedia.getSite(), arg[7:])
                        gen = pagegenerators.LinkedPageGenerator(pagelinks)
                elif arg.startswith('-page:'):
                        page = wikipedia.Page(wikipedia.getSite(), unicode(arg[6:]))
                        gen = iter([page])
                elif arg.startswith('-namespace:'):

        if gen is None:
        wikipedia.output(u'Read delay is %s seconds.' % readDelay)
        wikipedia.output(u'Write delay is %s seconds.\n' % writeDelay)
        if namespaces != []:
                        gen = pagegenerators.NamespaceFilterPageGenerator(gen, namespaces)
        gen = pagegenerators.RedirectFilterPageGenerator(gen)
        for page in gen:
        wikipedia.output(u'\nOperation Complete.\n')

if __name__ == "__main__":