User:Paul Carpenter/Non-existance

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[edit] Amos' Theorum of Non-Existence

Amos' Theorum of Non-Existence is a thread started on the Rather Good Forums. It is basically an attempt at showing the universe does not in fact exist, here is the theorum:

  • A circle is said to have infinite sides.
  • This can be proved using a set perimeter/curcumference for a variety of regular ploygons and finding the area. I won't go into it now.
  • If afore-mentioned circle has infinite sides, one cannot draw a single one of these sides, because it would be infinitely small.
  • Thus, infinity actually is equal to zero.
  • Using this, we can tell that the infinite universe takes up in fact no space at all, and the contents of the universe cannot exist.
  • Goodbye.

Now let's, for arguments sake, accept the first three lines without question. On the subject of accepting stuff without question here is an equation for the area of any regular polygon where a is the lenth of each side and b is the number of sides.

A = \frac{a^2b}{4(tan\frac{180}{b})}

Now we will throw in the "numbers" apropriate for this circle.

A = \frac{\frac{P}{\infty}^2 \infty}{4(tan\frac{180}{\infty})}

Simplify. (Remembering that infinity sqaured is in fact infinity)

A = \frac{P^2}{4(tan\frac{180}{\infty})}

We find that the denominator cannot be simplified because their is an division by infinity with no easy way out such as the multipication by infinity in the numerator. This axonim conclusively proves that the theorum of non-existence is utterly silly and that this page is a total waste.

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