Paul Knobel

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Paul Knobel (born 1948) is an Australian poet and the author of An Encyclopedia of Male Homosexual Poetry and its Reception History (2002), a CD-ROM encyclopedia of 1 million words covering 243 languages and 118 countries. It is believed to be the largest work in the field of male homosexuality compiled by one person; Knobel worked on it for 19 years.

He has also published An Encyclopedia of Male Homosexual Art (2005), a CD-ROM with 8,500 entries.

Knobel is also the author of several books of poetry including Events (1982), A Gay Saga (1999), Eighties (2007) and Nineties (2007) and Male Homosexuality and Australian English Language Poetry (1999). He has been widely published in Australian periodicals and has also published several poem cards and broadsheets.

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