Paul Henry and Prosper Henry

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Paul-Pierre Henry (Paul Henry) (August 21, 1848January 4, 1905) and his brother Mathieu-Prosper Henry (Prosper Henry) (December 10, 1849July 25, 1903) were French opticians and astronomers.

They made refracting telescopes and instruments for observatories, and were involved in the origin of the Carte du Ciel project.

Between the two of them, they discovered a total of 14 asteroids. The Minor Planet Center credits their discoveries under "P.P. Henry" and "P.M. Henry", respectively.

[edit] Obituaries

[edit] Paul Henry

[edit] Prosper Henry

Asteroids discovered: 14 (7 each)
125 Liberatrix September 11, 1872 Prosper Henry
126 Velleda November 5, 1872 Paul Henry
127 Johanna November 5, 1872 Prosper Henry
141 Lumen January 13, 1875 Paul Henry
148 Gallia August 7, 1875 Prosper Henry
152 Atala November 2, 1875 Paul Henry
154 Bertha November 4, 1875 Prosper Henry
159 Aemilia January 26, 1876 Paul Henry
162 Laurentia April 21, 1876 Prosper Henry
164 Eva July 12, 1876 Paul Henry
169 Zelia September 28, 1876 Prosper Henry
177 Irma November 5, 1877 Paul Henry
186 Celuta April 6, 1878 Prosper Henry
227 Philosophia August 12, 1882 Paul Henry