Paul Barnett (video game designer)

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This article is about the game developer. For other uses, please see Paul Barnett.
Paul Barnett

Authorized Pic Paul Wishes For Use On Wikipedia
Background information
Birth name Paul Barnett
Born January 15, 1970 (1970-01-15) (age 38)
Preston ,England
United Kingdom
Nationality British
Internet activity
Web alias(es) thatbarnettbloke
Period active January 1, 2006-present
Genre(s) Comedy, vlogging
Notable work(s) Legends of Terris;
Warhammer Online
Official site [1]

Paul Barnett (born January 15, 1970) is an English game designer most often associated with Games Workshop's Warhammer universe. He is currently the Creative Director for EA Mythic, overseeing the design of the MMORPG Warhammer Online. As lead designer, he has given interviews at events such as E3 and to the gaming industry press such as Gamespy [1].

Previously, Barnett worked on several pioneering European MUDs including Legends of Terris and its successor Legends of Cosrin before creating the fantasy realm of the Kingdom of Heroes.

[edit] Social representations

Paul is also notable amongst his peers for his extreme enthusiasm and energy when presenting his games, being cited as one of the major reasons many people found interest in his new project the MMORPG Warhammer Online. [2]

Barnett has been a wargamer, and it has been pointed out that he could well be a good comparison between the difference of enthusiasm of wargamers and PC gamers.[citation needed] He is helping to bridge the gap by working on a wargame, PC adaptation game such as Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning.

In the MMORPG industry that at times seems more focused on creating a so-so product, making a large profit, and giving little if any after thought to the game or its players, Paul is praised for being "player focused". His innovative thinking, "outside-the-box" ideas and sometimes eccentric approach to new content for the games he has worked on, enriches them with a feel and experience unlike any other. As Paul said, "Tech is only as deep as plastic, game play goes on forever!"[]

Paul Barnett has given talks outside of the computer games world. Most notably at European LIFT 08 conference. His talk was the highest watched video of the show gaining over 50,000 views within 48 hours. [2] His talks also received coverage in business media such as business week. [3]

"Paul Barnett’s talk at the show about MMO’s is one of the most non-geek accessible I’ve ever heard and it manages to smartly analogize the games industry to both films and Las Vegas without being heavy handed." Matt Vella, innovation and Design writer for Business week. Feb 11 2008 from [4]

[edit] References

[edit] External links