Patrick Hunout

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Patrick Hunout is a researcher and policymaker who in 1999 created The International Scope Review, a peer-reviewed academic journal in the economic and social sciences.

His work explores the formation of what he called a New Leviathan around the hypothesis that the upper class of society seeks to build a new order based on less equality and less democracy.

His model suggests that the strategies carried forward by the New Leviathan link intimately the economic, ethnic, and interpersonal fields. These strategies consist in developing economic flexibility and precariousness, promoting migrations and a multiethnic society, and pushing forward individualist,hedonist and consumerist values. In a last resort, they design a weak society, enslaved to market values and governmental controls rendered necessary by the increasing incapacity of an atomized social body to manage itself.

The strategies carried forward by the ruling class explain most contemporary difficulties; if they would be inverted, a huge improvement would follow.

Patrick Hunout is the President and the Founder of The Social Capital Foundation, created 2002, the aim of which is to help restore, revitalize and strengthen the social link in Europe. The Social Capital Foundation proposes to counter the policies of the New Leviathan by consolidating the community spirit, developing a democratic middle-class centered society, promoting an equitable share of wealth, protecting cultural identity against mass migrations, and strengthening shared values within the social body.

[edit] Bibliography

  • (en) The Destruction of Society: Challenging the 'Modern' Triptyque: Individualism, Hedonism, Consumerism, with Didier Le Gall and Brent Shea (The International Scope Review, Issue 9, Volume 5, 2003)[1], ISSN 1374-1217
  • (en) Referring Governments to the Community: Henry David Thoreau Revisited, with Maya David and Jean Dewitt (The International Scope Review, Issue 12, Volume 7, 2005)[2]
  • (de) Immigration und Identität in Deutschland und Frankreich, The International Scope Review, 1999, deutsche Fassung[3]
  • Droit du travail et psychologie sociale (Klincksieck, 1990, 2002) ASIN 2865632628
  • L’Entreprise et le droit du travail : Une comparaison franco-allemande (CIRAC, 1993) (ISBN 2905518251)
  • Droit du travail et culture sociale : L'exemple allemand (L’Harmattan, 2000) (ISBN 2738477852)
  • « Conseils de prud'hommes : un exemple de prise de décision dans un contexte institutionnel », Revue française de sociologie, tome 28, n° 3, 1987, p. 453-481.
  • Psychologie judiciaire et droit prud'homal, thèse de 3e cycle, Psychologie, Paris, EHESS, 1985, dact., 522 f°; Paris, Méridiens Klincksieck, 1990, 276 p.
  • Droit du travail et psychologie sociale, avec Serge Moscovici, Méridiens Klincksieck, Paris, FRANCE (1990), (Monographie)
  • « La psychologie sociale des décisions de justice : une discipline en émergence », Déviance et Société, 1987, vol. XI, n° 3, p. 271-292.
  • « Les méthodes d'évaluation des emplois : du classement des emplois à la mesure des compétences », Formation emploi, n° 39, juil.-sept. 1992, pp. 35-43

[edit] See also

[edit] External links
