Patria NEMO

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NEMO (from NEw MOrtar), is a single 120 mm unmanned mortar turret currently being developed by Patria Weapons System Oy (PWS) in Finland. It is a lighter version of the AMOS mortar system, which is also being field tested. The NEMO can be fitted to most APCs and also to smaller landing craft, like the Finnish Jurmo class landing craft or the Swedish Combat Boat 90.

The first customer of the weapon system will be the Slovenian Army.[1]

[edit] Technical information

  • - Calibre: 120 mm
  • - Length: 3 m
  • Angles: -3°-+85°
  • Side angles: n x 360°
  • Lock: half-automatic wedge
  • Lifting device: hydro-pneumatic
  • Fire preparation time: < 30 seconds
  • Leave preparation time: < 10 seconds
  • Rate of fire: 10 shots/minute (max); 7 shots/minute (continuous)
  • Complement: 3 men
  • Weight: ca 1,500 kg

[edit] External links

[edit] Sources

  • Suomen Sotilas 4/2006, p. 41-45