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I have been in conversation with various IPs which seem to be connected to User:Daynal. I believe that the editor behind these accounts, currently blocked for operating multiple accounts can be a productive editor. However, I do have a couple of reservations, which I hope we can address here. I have asked a couple of editors to step in and help to mentor User:Daynal and direct him toward the ways of contructively participating in the wikipedia project.

Here are my conditions for unblocking:

  1. At least one trusted editor agrees to function as mentor (I have asked two).
  2. Editor will only operate one account, and preferably limit the amount of un-logged in editing.
  3. Editor will refrain from copying the comments of others to various places and refactoring them (which breaks the contribution history and misrepresents the words of others).
  4. Editor will focus on content, not soapboxing.

[edit] Agreement to unblock conditions

  • Editor:
  • Mentor(s):
  • Blocking admin: These are my expectations: The user must complete the name change process under which I originally unblocked him, under technical guidance if requested/needed. The user must also to agree not to edit subjects which are directly connected to his publishing company without the mentor's agreement/guidance. The user will also not start any articles directly related to his publishing company at all. I will not mentor. - CobaltBlueTony™ talk 00:19, 10 June 2008 (UTC)

[edit] Discussion

Greetings! How good it is to see opportunities to discuss issues of concern for all those concerned-virtually present together.

Until the charge of sockpuppetry was made against account user:Daynal, I was content to use but this name only, and then only to prevent others from using it as I have a responsibility to and for the public use of this name by virtue of serving as admin to most domains operating with this name.

My contributions prior to sustaining the sockpuppetry charge (read by bots as vandalism) stand on record for continued examination and revision. After consultation with CobaltBlueTony, the unblock procedure was implemented as per his instructions, but just before the sockpuppetry charge was brought, it appeared to him that "for some reason" the change was not processed as expected. Another editor, AndrewHowse, had suggested that I address the conflict of interest raised by the Timothy Wyllie article by editing the writing under his oversight. By this point, such required an alternate account user:Rldavisiv to do so without working anonymously. To avoid misunderstanding, these were linked as per suggestions of Wikipedia policy. This apparently triggered the accusation of sockpuppetry by user:Pastordavid (quickly sustained) bringing to an immediate halt the implementation of any suggestions of these two editors.

Further dialogue to address the situation has required the utilization of anonymous IP addresses, and traveling extensively finds the number of IP addresses uncountable for most tracking purposes.


  1. At least one trusted editor agrees to function as mentor (I have asked two).
  2. Editor will only operate one account, and preferably limit the amount of un-logged in editing.
  3. Editor will refrain from copying the comments of others to various places and refactoring them (which breaks the contribution history and misrepresents the words of others).
  4. Editor will focus on content, not soapboxing.


  1. The user must complete the name change process under which I originally unblocked him, under technical guidance if requested/needed.
  2. The user must also to agree not to edit subjects which are directly connected to his publishing company without the mentor's agreement/guidance.
  3. The user will also not start any articles directly related to his publishing company at all.


  1. The process of mentoring (working under supervision by another trusted Wikpedia editor) was initiated, even if informally, but stopped by the sockpuppetry case.
  2. The editor only desired one account from the beginning (linked directly to his personal contact page). Wikipedia, (no doubt unwittingly), has required more accounts than can be known to work toward resolution.
  3. Editor only engaged in 'copying comments' to another place i.e. (personal talkpage) in attempt to 'centralize discussion' as per Wikipedia suggestions for addressing confusion due to fragmentation of dialogue.
  4. The focus 'on content' is a matter of perspective adequately addressed only in consultation with others. Without consultation, there can be no content.
  5. The user:Daynal had elected, in consultation with CobaltBlueTony, to retain his original username to accomplish the purpose of blocking it indefinitely.
  6. The editor does agree to forego editing any articles again as all subjects of human inquiry are 'directly connected to his publishing company'.
  7. Given the condition above, the person Rob Davis, regardless of username, will initiate no more articles on Wikipedia.


Rob Davis -- (talk) 23:26, 11 June 2008 (UTC)

Hi Rob, I have a hard time understanding what you exactly mean with your last points. Also, why do you refer to yourself in the third person? Merzul (talk) 23:49, 11 June 2008 (UTC)

Hello Merzul, and thank you for your willingness to work with us through this process!

The last two points causing misunderstanding are replies to the expectations of CobaltBlueTony stipulating that I agree not to edit subjects directly connected to Daynal Institute Press that as per our purpose necessarily includes all subject areas that would then seem to preclude my direct contributions to this particular wiki project. I am confident however, other methods may be found to avoid the appearance of any conflict of interest.

As for referencing 'myself'in the third person, it is my understanding Wikipedia prefers to limit first person pronouns to foster neutrality. Generally, the use of third person references seem appropriate usage when pointing to the 'account' at issue, while first person usage might be best reserved solely for the 'person' I am.


Rob-- (talk) 00:20, 12 June 2008 (UTC)


It appears I have come to an understanding of how 'special contributions' can be appropriate to my interest in blocking indefinitely any use of Daynal on Wikipedia and avoiding any further edits related to any "subject connected with Daynal Institute Press" i.e. all subjects of human inquiry.

I will not initiate any articles on Wikipedia, and any future 'edits' will be done under my name Rob Davis using the 'special contributions allowance' and then only as a suggestion to an editor working on an article that comes to my attention as giving expression to a need for supporting citations or other such evidence. Otherwise, my support for Wikipedia and its 'sister' sites will be by direct contributions to MediaWiki, its use and ongoing development.


Rob Davis -- (talk) 05:01, 13 June 2008 (UTC)

[edit] Background material