User:Pastor Bob Shoemaker

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At my desk

Hi I'm Pastor Bob Shoemaker, Senior Pastor of Agape World Fellowship, (AWF) and Region1 Senior Elder of Roots and Wings Ministries. I founded AWF in 2003 as a Christian fellowship/community that meet, chat, have fun and worship in a 3D virtual reality environment.

I'm known as PastorBob by most of the online Christian community in 3dvr but I am also known as EarthTrex, an sn that I took almost 20 years ago when I first started surfing in the BBS's of the late 1980's, before the advent of the Internet. I was a computer technician for many years till I went into Christian missions and ministry. I used my technical know how to help ministries here in the US and later went into countries like Nicaragua and Haiti to bring ministries there into the computer age.

[edit] Basic information

Some things about the author:

  • Senior Pastor and founder of AWF
  • Region1 Senior Elder of RAWM
  • Interest are: First Century Christianity, Biblical Apologetics, anything by [C.S. Lewis]
  • [Agape World Fellowship]

[edit] Additional information

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