Pascal Costanza

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Pascal Costanza is a research associate at the Institute of Computer Science III of the University of Bonn in Germany. He is known in the field of functional programming in LISP as well as in the aspect-oriented programming (AOP) community for contributions to this field by applying AOP through LISP 1.

[edit] Notes

  1. Dynamically Scoped Functions as the Essence of AOP OOP 2003 Workshop on Object-Oriented Language Engineering for the Post-Java Era, Darmstadt, Germany, July 22, 2003; published in ACM SIGPLAN Notices Volume 38, Issue 8 (August 2003), ACM Press

[edit] Bibliography

  • JMangler-A Powerful Back-End for Aspect-Oriented Programming (with Günter Kniesel and Michael Austermann), Chapter 15 of Aspect-Oriented Software Development by Robert E. Filman, Tzilla Elrad, Siobhán Clarke, and Mehmet Aksit, Addison-Wesley, 2005, ISBN 0-321-21976-7

[edit] External links