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Pasagians were a sect of Judaizing Cathars appearing in Lombardy in the late 12th or early 13th century, possibly appearing earlier in the East. The name, if from the Italian passagieri meaning birds of passage, is either suggestive of an emigration from another place, or their iterant lifestyle. Pasagium were also a name given the Crusades. They observed the Law of Moses except in respect to sacrifices, and thus also were given the name Circumcisi. In their Christology they considered Christ the highest created being and a demiurge by whom all other creatures were brought into being. The Pasagians cited both the Old and New Testaments in support of their doctrine. Bonacursus is the chief authority of their history.

[edit] References

Blunt, John Henry (1874). Dictionary of Sects, Heresies, Ecclesiastical Parties and Schools of Religious Thought. London Oxford and Cambridge: Rivingtons, 408-9.