Parkour in popular culture

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Parkour (an activity with the aim of moving from one point to another as efficiently and quickly as possible, using principally the abilities of the human body) has appeared in various television advertisements, news reports and entertainment pieces, sometimes combined with other forms of acrobatics also called free running, street stunts and tricking. Such acrobatics are not part of parkour.[1]


[edit] Films

  • After including parkour moves in a chase sequence in the film Taxi 2 (2000), in 2001 French filmmaker Luc Besson made a feature film, Yamakasi—Les samouraï des temps modernes (Yamakasi—the modern-day Samurai), featuring members of the original Yamakasi group. The film tells the (fictional) tale of a group of young friends who use their parkour skills to evade capture, while stealing money to fund the healthcare of a child that was injured copying their parkour training. In 2004, Besson wrote Banlieue 13, another feature film involving parkour, starring David Belle and Cyril Raffaelli; English-dubbed and -subtitled versions were released in 2006 as District B-13 in North America, and the UK.[2][3] Later, members of Yamakasi group filmed for France 2 channel a documentary called Génération Yamakasi - Vol au dessus des cités.
  • The biggest interest surge to date was created by the documentary Jump London, which explained some of the background to parkour and culminated with Sébastien Foucan and two other French traceurs (Johann Vigroux and Jérôme Ben Aoues) demonstrating their parkour skills at many famous London locations: HMS Belfast, Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre, Somerset House and the Tate Gallery and Saatchi galleries amongst them. It is perhaps worth noting that David Belle received no mention in Jump London, despite often being accredited as the most important founder of parkour. Jump London was followed up by the sequel Jump Britain, once again featuring Foucan and Ben Aoues.
  • An action sequence in the James Bond film, Casino Royale, is a construction site roof-top chase that implements many aspects of parkour. Sébastien Foucan, the founder of the similar art free running, plays a small-time terrorist after whom James Bond is chasing. The scene was filmed in the Bahamas (standing for Madagascar).[3][4][5][6]
  • In Ong Bak, Ting (Tony Jaa) and Hum Lae is escaping a gang pursuing them, in which Ting jumps through various obstacles, which somewhat resembles as parkour.
  • Martial Art movie star, Jackie Chan who has a unique style of mixing martial arts choreography with real large scale stunts in many of his Hong Kong and Hollywood movies, including the Police Story (film) trilogy, Dragons Forever, Who am I?, My Lucky Stars, Rush Hour,etc. Many of Chan's movements and stunts resemble Parkour in that both he and traceurs use the environment to run, vault, jump, flip and tumble off. However, Chan is merely the latest and most high profile exponent of Chinese acrobatics, a long and rich tradition which predates Parkour by centuries. Other notable exemplars in Hong Kong action films such as the Sammo Hung stuntteam and various notable martial art stuntmen such as Yuen Wah and Yuen Biao, performed stunts in modern action movies throughout the 80s and 90s which resemble parkour but is essentially acrobatic stunts performed in a variety of large and small scale, real life and on set locales, incorporating martial art elements and modified (eg slowed down) for the silver screen.
  • The werewolves in the movie Blood and Chocolate used (in their human form) what appeared to be parkour as a demonstration of their superhuman agility.

[edit] Television

  • The British public was widely exposed to parkour during 2002 via the BBC television trailer Rush Hour, which depicted David Belle leaping across London's rooftops from his office to home, in an attempt to catch his favourite BBC programme.[9][10][3] The piece generated a great deal of discussion, particularly after it was revealed that no special effects or wires were used (although it was partly filmed in Newcastle upon Tyne, not completely in London), all Belle's moves were genuine and unassisted. It was later re-used for the BBC Children in Need appeal, with the face of Terry Wogan superimposed onto the body of Belle.
  • The CSI: NY episode "Tri-Borough" involves a murdered traceur.[11]
  • A series of Nike commercials[12] depicted traceurs clearing rooftop gaps and stairwells as part of an ad campaign for their Presto line of slip-on running shoes. Also the run to 300 podcast explain a bit of parkour.[13]
  • On Survivor: China, contestant Michael "Frosti" Zernow frequently discussed his training as a traceur.
  • A Rogers Wireless mp3 phone commercial features a group of young adults running to meet another group via free running on a rooftop, with a slogan "Tippin' on the brink".
  • An episode of the popular BBC motoring programme Top Gear featured a race between James May in a Peugeot 207 against two traceurs — Daniel Ilabaca and Kerbie from Worldwide JAM's 'Street Team'—in the city of Liverpool on July 23, 2006.[16][6] The traceurs won the race to the Liver Building, if only because May, true to character, got lost on his way to the building.
  • In the British Police drama, The Bill, on the episode first broadcast on January 16, 2008, a criminal who practised parkour used the discipline to evade capture on two occasions. In the first, he escaped, but in the second, he was caught and arrested.

[edit] Literature

  • Issue 6 of the limited series Global Frequency, written by noted comic book author Warren Ellis, tells the story of a young traceuse named Sita Patel who is tasked with the seemingly impossible mission of crossing London in under twenty minutes to defuse a biological weapon. The issue, titled The Run, is a varied and detailed (and mostly believable) treatment of the topic. The series was published by Wildstorm Comics.[19]
  • The hip-hop novel Kid B — written by Texan author Linden Dalecki — tells the story of a teenager named Kid B who's a b-boy in a four-man crew called the Krush Krew. A passage in the novel details an escape by the Krush Krew over rooftops, and another passage, where Kid B trains alone, reads like a free running sequence. The book was first published in 2006 by Houghton Mifflin.
  • In Tale of Two Summers by Brian Sloan, the story of a French traceur is relayed by Hal via blogging.
  • The webcomic Achewood briefly shows the character Teodor engaging in parkour.[20]
  • In The Dark River it tells of the main character Gabriel joining a group of parkour, and running to avoid the Vast Machine.
  • In William Gibson's Spook Country, Tito uses a mix of techniques very much like parkour.[21] Interestingly, he mentions having actually run with traceurs and considers parkour a subset of his own skills.

[edit] Video games

  • Saboteur has parkour moves used to evade capture
  • Tony Hawk's American Wasteland: one of the several techniques you can learn whilst not on your skateboard is freerunning, although it is called parkour in the game. Also, you can wall-run, wire-grab and other parkour movements.[28]
  • The Prince of Persia reimagined trilogy is a Ubisoft series about a Prince trying to escape from his fate, meanwhile he uses lots of parkour techniques such as cat leap and wallrun.
  • Army of Two character Philip Clyde uses Parkour or Free Running to navigate the battlefield and to get close enough to his targets to kill them with his bare hands.
  • In Lugaru Turner and the enemies can use free running moves such as flips, rolls and ledge grabbing. But no ability to shimmy. Using rolls and handsprings to dodge enemies and wall flips to confuse enemies is possible in the game though not always successful.
  • In Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell the main character, Sam Fisher; can use parkour to avoid detection or to reach a destination such as a rooftop or a more stealthy entrance than a front door. Whenever Sam Fisher falls from a sufficient height, he automatically rolls and automatically grabs ledges and such whenever jumping or falling to avoid death. Though the player can force Sam to fall to his death anyway.

[edit] Music videos

  • David Guetta vs. The Egg have a music video for their song Love Don't Let Me Go (Walking Away) which features free running extensively throughout it, performed by the British Freerun crew named team Evolution, headed by Chase Armitage
  • Die Trying has a music video for their song Oxygen's Gone that features two or three traceurs.[29]
  • Eric Prydz vs Floyd - Proper Education is about saving energy by using parkour in it to promote the facts of Global Warming.[30]
  • German singer Liza Li chases after German traceur Moses Kallweit in both cartoon and real life scenes on her video for the song "Ich könnte dich erschießen".[31]
  • Madonna featured free running extensively in the Jump music video.[32] Madonna also featured free running on her world tour in 2006 The Confessions Tour as well as featuring it initially in her music video for Hung Up. All the free running sequences for Madonna were created and executed by Sebastian Foucan, Mike 'Frosti' Zernow, Levi 'Skynative' Meeuwenberg and others.[3][33]
  • Persian singer Mehran recently released a music video named "Kaboutar (dove)" [1]
featuring two Rahaa clan ,member of Iran parkour[2], traceurs.
  • 3 Doors Down released a music video for "It's Not My Time" where the main character performed by Gabe Nunez from Tempest Freerunning team has a premonition and uses parkour skills to stop an accident involving a mother and daughter who are heading for dissaster when a truck runs a red light.[34][35]

[edit] Other

  • On May 2, 2008, parkour was featured in a series of videos on the front page of YouTube. The display added 14 videos from different parkour artists, propelling one of the videos to nearly 1,000,000 views.[36]

[edit] References

  1. ^ David Belle and/or PAWA Team. English welcome - Parkour Worldwide Association. Archived from the original on 2005-05-08. Retrieved on 2007-05-12. “Understand that this art has been created by few soldiers in Vietnam to escape or reach: and this is the spirit I'd like parkour to keep. You have to make the difference between what is useful and what is not in emergency situations. Then you'll know what is parkour and what is not. So if you do acrobatics things on the street with no other goal than showing off, please don't say it's parkour. Acrobatics existed long time ago before parkour.”
  2. ^ a b c Sandra Barrera (January 2, 2007). Parkour: Leaps of faith. LA Daily News. Retrieved on 2007-12-11.
  3. ^ a b c d e Yuba Bessaoud and Alex Delmar-Morgan (July 09, 2006). Focus: Look Mum, watch this!. Times Online. Retrieved on 2008-01-03.
  4. ^ Alec Wilkinson (April 16, 2007). No Obstacles. The New Yorker. Retrieved on 2007-10-14.
  5. ^ ESPN (November 11, 2007). ESPN:60 Parkour. Retrieved on 2007-11-29.
  6. ^ a b c Toby Young (September 29, 2007). Parkour:Take that, Spiderman. The Guardian. Retrieved on 2007-12-11.
  7. ^ Keith (September 18, 2007). Crimson Rivers/Crimson Rivers II. Retrieved on 2007-12-11. “The parkour scenes are OK -- it's no B13 or Casino Royale”
  8. ^ Janet Kornblum (December 3, 2007). 'Look, Ma, no hands' — or feet. USA Today. Retrieved on 2007-12-07.
  9. ^ Unmissable new campaign for BBC ONE. BBC One (April 4, 2002). Retrieved on 2007-12-13.
  10. ^ YouTube Video: David Belle - Rush Hour Le Parkour(BBC) Retrieved on 2007-02-18
  11. ^ CSI: New Yorker - episode: Tri-Borough. Retrieved on 2007-12-11. “They "parkour" together, free-running, traversing the "urban obstacle course we all encounter on a daily basis from a new perspective".”
  12. ^ Nike Angry Chicken - Featuring Sébastien Foucan. Retrieved on 2008-01-03.
  13. ^ Nike. Run to 300. Retrieved on 2007-07-25.
  14. ^ YouTube - Scion
  15. ^ YouTube David Belle: Canon commercial Retrieved on 2007-01-26
  16. ^ YouTube Video: Peugeot 207 Vs. French Kids Retrieved on 2007-02-18
  17. ^ Xbox Europe Plays Cops and Robbers. (September 25, 2006). Retrieved on 2007-12-13.
  18. ^ Liz Hayes (September 16, 2007). Go Jump. 60 Minutes. Retrieved on 2008-01-03.
  19. ^ Kevin Forest Moreau (February 16, 2004). Hailing Frequency. Retrieved on 2007-12-13. “one concerns a young woman -- a Le Parkour runner, or someone who treats the city as an urban obstacle course”
  20. ^ Chris Onstad. Achewood - November 7, 2005. Archived from the original on 2006-05-05. Retrieved on 2008-02-05. “Hey, have you guys heard of Parkour? It's a new sport-philosophy where the urban landscape is treated as an obstacle course!”
  21. ^ Drew Toal (August 1, 2007). Genre with the wind. Time Out New York. Retrieved on 2007-12-13. “the GPS wizardry, the gravity-defying parkour, the text-code languages”
  22. ^ "Mirror's Edge: The Agenda," Electronic Gaming Monthly 225 (February 2008): 59.
  23. ^ Assassin's Creed (Xbox 360) (November 28, 2007). “Its a good start, an excellent free-roaming adventure with some of the best use of parkour yet.”
  24. ^ X06: Assassin's Creed demo. “Just like the guys knows as le parkour or free running.”
  25. ^ Ryan Pearson. Review: 'Assassin's Creed' Not Quite Perfect. Fox News Channel. “Leave it to the French to bring us the first parkour video game”
  26. ^ Andrew P., "Review of Assassin's Creed," Electronic Gaming Monthly 224 (January 2008): 89. In Andrew P.'s review, he writes that the game features "a challenging parkour path of escape..."
  27. ^ Cam Shea (January 10, 2007). 10 Reasons to Play Crackdown. “It's part super hero (think Hulk or Neo), part Jumping Flash and part Parkour.”
  28. ^ Steven Williamson (February 8, 2006). Tony Hawk's American Wasteland - Xbox 360. “Later on in story mode, you’ll even get the chance to learn some parkour(free-running) skills!”
  29. ^ Michael Palmieri. Die Trying Video Premiere. MTV. Retrieved on 2007-12-13.
  30. ^ YouTube Music Video: Eric Prydz vs Pink Floyd - Proper Education Retrieved on 2007-01-27
  31. ^ Warnermusic Video
  32. ^ The Sunday Times. No fear, no limits, no safety net (PDF). Retrieved on 2007-07-04. “Foucan can be spotted showing off his parkour talents in Madonna’s latest music video.”
  33. ^ Skynative in the Madonna "Jump" Video. Retrieved on 2007-12-11.
  34. ^ Gabe Nunez in 3 Doors Down Video. (23 April 2008). Retrieved on 2008-04-26.
  35. ^ YouTube - 3 Doors Down - It's Not My Time
  36. ^ YouTube - yamakasi founders clip haute categorie