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Sumptuous apartments on Piazza Mincio, Parioli
Sumptuous apartments on Piazza Mincio, Parioli

Parioli is a neighbourhood in Northern part of Rome. The name derives from the Monti Parioli, a series of tufa hills, and was given to the area before its incorporation into the city proper at the beginning of the 20th century. Some suggest that the name stems from "peraioli," as it was once the site of pear orchards.

The area extends approximately from Via Salaria and the end of Viale Regina Margherita, to the slope descending towards the Tiber and the Museum of Modern Art, found on the Viale delle Belle Arti. The other two sides are approximately delineated by Villa Borghese and Villa Ada. In the 19th century, Viale Regina Margherita was a tree-lined avenue that led from the neighborhood of the San Lorenzo district to the fields of Monti Parioli.

Principal arteries of the area include:

  • Viale Parioli, a wide, tree lined avenue extending from piazza Ungheria to villa Gloria and Acqua Acetosa.
  • Via Archimede, a quiet, horeshoe shaped street, curiously divides in two branches which both maintain the same name, site of numerous embassies.
  • Viale Bruno Buozzi, a wide, tree lined street descending from piazza Pitagora to viale delle Belle Arti and the Tiber.
  • Via dei Monti Parioli, a small street at the summit of the neighborhood, overlooked by elegant residential buildings; also the location of the Belgian and Serbian Embassies and the Monte Parioli English School, for children under 10 years old.
  • Piazza Euclide, a wide square considered the center of the area.

Parioli began as an upper-class neighbourhood and during the Fascist period was the residence of many high-ranking party and state functionaries. Urbanization was completed in the 1950s. Today, Parioli is synonymous with wealthy and expensive living. It is mainly a residential area, although a number of foreign embassies are located there.

[edit] The Pariolini Stereotype

The young inhabitants of Parioli are sometimes called Pariolini by their contemporaries in other parts of the city. This is a derogatory term, and according to the prejudice that it entails, the typical "Pariolino" is spoilt by rich parents, is right-wing verging on Fascist, drives a mini-cooper, wears only recognizably fashionable and expensive clothes, and supports the Lazio football team. He or she drinks coffee at Cafe Parnaso, eats ice cream at I Tre Frocci , walks his dogs at Villa Balestra, and meets other Pariolini late in the evening at Piazza Euclide.
