Paranal Observatory

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Paranal Observatory
Organization European Southern Observatory
Location Cerro Paranal

Paranal Observatory is an astronomical observatory located on Cerro Paranal at 2,635 mts. altitude (120 km south of Antofagasta, Chile) and operated by the European Southern Observatory. The Very Large Telescope (VLT) is the largest telescope on Paranal, actually composed of four separate 8.2 m telescopes. In addition the four main telescopes can combine their light to make a fifth instrument, the VLTI, Very Large Telescope Interferometer. Four auxiliary telescopes of 1.8m each are being added to the VLTI to make it available when the main telescopes are being used for other projects. The first two of these were installed in early 2004 and 2005.

The site also houses the 2.5m VLT Survey Telescope and 4m VISTA survey telescope with wider fields of view for surveying large areas of sky uniformly.


[edit] Very Large Telescope

View of some of the telescopes at Paranal.
View of some of the telescopes at Paranal.
Telescopes at Paranal.
Telescopes at Paranal.
Main article: Very Large Telescope

The Very Large Telescope (VLT) consists of four 8.2 m telescopes operating in the visible and infrared. These telescopes, along with 4 smaller Auxiliary telescopes, are also combined to operate as an optical interferometer on certain nights of the year. All of the 8.2 m telescopes have adaptive optics and a full suite of instruments.

[edit] VISTA survey telescope

Main article: VISTA (telescope)

VISTA is the Visible & Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy, a 4m telescope under construction at the observatory. It is expected that it will be operational in 2008. It will have a wide field of view, and will focus on infrared surveys of the sky. VISTA is being built close to ESO's VLT for a consortium of 18 UK universities led by Queen Mary, University of London and on completion will become an ESO telescope.

[edit] VLT Survey Telescope (VST)

Main article: VLT Survey Telescope

The VLT Survey Telescope or VST is a proposed 2.5m telescope with a wide field imager intended to aid the VLT in its scientific aims.

[edit] Other buildings

The Garden of the Residencia (ESO Hotel).
The Garden of the Residencia (ESO Hotel).

As well as the telescopes, control buildings and maintenance facilities, Paranal has a Residencia (ESO Hotel) which provides accommodation for staff and visitors. This is located 200 m lower and 3 km from the telescopes. It is built half into the mountain with the concrete coloured to blend into the landscape. It has gym facilities, a swimming pool, a restaurant and two gardens. The construction was designed by the Chilean architect Paula Gutiérrez Erlandsen, Marchioness of la Pica.[1]

[edit] External links

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Coordinates: 24°37′38″S, 70°24′15″W