Parada (Paredes de Coura)

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Coat of arms of Parada
Parish coat of arms
Municipality Paredes de Coura
Area 4.07 km²
 - Total 323 (2001)
 - Density 79.4/km²
Website: none

Parada is a Portuguese parish, located in the municipality of Paredes de Coura. It has a population of 323 inhabitants, it has a total area of 4.07 km² and the density was 79.4/km².


[edit] Geography

The parish is bounded with Padornelo to the north, Vascões, Cristelo and Bico to the south. The parish

The area also features forests that includes pine and eucalyptus. The Rio Coura flows near the parish in the confluence between Lamas and Casaldate. The river separates the settlements of Mó, Cachada and Alvarim. The area much lower than the parish are irrigated.

No lugar da Mó, encontramos umas Alminhas chamadas das Corredouras. Nas florestas chamadas dos Ferros, que pertencem aos lugares de Alvarim, Mó e Cachada, encontramos outras Alminhas que têm o nome das florestas que as rodeiam.

[edit] History

On November 15, 1993, the Associação Cultural Desportiva e Social de Parada was founded, its first president was Manuel Pereira Araújo. The association brings in the good ways in the strength of the youch in the sporting and cultural fields, it finds the enthusiasm that represents the name of the parish. The vitality of its youths that won 42 cups and 3 medals. One football (soccer) matches includes two first places with 13-15 in 1996 and in 1908, three second places, the other two were in 13-15 in 1995 and in 1997, it won three consecutive district titles along with inter-parish tournaments with 5-3 against Cunha in 1995 in penalty kicks, 1-0 against Resende in 1007 and 1-0 against Associação de Paredes de Coura in 1998. The soccer field was completed in 1998.

[edit] Economy

Its main economic activity is agriculture, civil construction and ultimately emploument in the Castanheira industrial area, São Bento and in Cerveira. Its main productions are corn, potatoes, wine and others.

[edit] Associations

  • ACDSP – Associação Cultural Desportiva e Social de Parada (Parada Sporting And Social Cultural Association) - the area that administerr soccer, cultura and social action.