Parabolic constant

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In mathematics, the ratio of the arc length of the parabolic segment formed by the latus rectum of any parabola to its focal parameter is a constant, denoted  \!\ P_2 .

In the diagram, the latus rectum is pictured in blue, the parabolic segment that it forms in red and the focal parameter in green.

The value of  \!\ P_2 is \ln(1 + \sqrt2) + \sqrt2 \approx 2.29558714939....

The circle and parabola are unique among conic sections in that they have a universal constant. The analogous ratios for ellipses and hyperbolas depend on their eccentricities. This means that all circles and parabolas are similar, and that all ellipses and hyperbolas are not.


[edit] Derivation

Take y = \frac{x^2}{4a} as the equation of the parabola. The focal parameter is p = 2a and the semilatus rectum is l = 2a.

P_2 := &\, \frac{1}{p}\int_{-l}^{l}\sqrt{1+\frac{dy^2}{dx^2}}\, dx   \\
     = &\, \frac{1}{2a}\int_{-2a}^{2a}\sqrt{1+\frac{x^2}{4a^2}}\, dx \\
     = &\, \int_{-1}^{1}\sqrt{1+t^2}\, dt \quad (x=2at) \\
     = &\, \operatorname{arsinh}(1)+\sqrt{2}\\
     = &\, \ln(1+\sqrt{2})+\sqrt{2} \\

[edit] Properties

The Lindemann-Weierstrass theorem easily shows that  \!\ P_2 is transcendental. A proof by contradiction:

Suppose that  \!\ P_2 is algebraic. If this is true, then  \!\ P_2 - \sqrt2 = \ln(1 + \sqrt2) must also be algebraic. However, by the Lindemann-Weierstrass theorem,  \!\ e^{\ln(1+ \sqrt2)} = 1 + \sqrt2 would be transcendental, which is an obvious contradiction.

Since  \!\ P_2 is transcendental, it is also irrational.

[edit] Applications

The average distance from a point randomly selected in the unit square to its center is

 d_{avg} = {{P_2} \over 6}

[edit] External links