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Image:pallava territories.png
Pallava kingdom c.645 CE during Narasimhavarman I
Official languages Tamil
and Sanskrit
Capital Kanchipuram
Government Monarchy
Preceding state Satavahana, Kalabhras
Succeeding states Cholas, Eastern Chalukyas

The Pallava kingdom (Telugu:పల్లవులు; Tamil: பல்லவர்) was an ancient South Indian kingdom. The Pallavas, feudatories of Andhra Satavahanas, became independent after the decline of that dynasty in Amaravati. Initially they ruled southern Andhra Pradesh, also known as Palnadu, situated in the Guntur district. Later they extended their rule to Tamil regions and established their capital at Kanchipuram around the 4th century CE. They rose in power during the reign of Mahendravarman I (571630 CE) and Narasimhavarman I (630 – 668 CE) and dominated the southern Telugu and northern parts of Tamil region for about six hundred years until the end of the 9th century.

Throughout their reign they were in constant conflict with both Chalukyas of Badami in the north and the Tamil kingdoms of Chola and Pandyas in the south and were finally defeated by the Chola kings in the 8th century CE.

Pallavas are most noted for their patronage of Dravidian architecture, still seen today in Mahabalipuram. The Pallavas, who left behind magnificent sculptures and temples, established the foundations of classical Dravidian architecture. A Chinese traveller Hiuen Tsang visited Kanchipuram during Pallava rule and extolled their benign rule.

Some sources[1] describe Bodhidharma, the founder of the Chan (Zen) school of Buddhism in China, as a prince of the Pallava dynasty, a contemporary of Skandavarman IV and Nandivarman I,[2] and the son of Simhavarman II.[3]


[edit] Origins

Main article: Origin of Pallava

The exact origin of the Pallavas is shrouded in mystery. Many theories have been put forward to trace their roots.

[edit] Indigenous Origin Theories

One theory proposed that they were an offshoot of the Cholas.[4] The word Pallava means bud or branch in Sanskrit which is equivalent to Tamil Tondaiyar.[5][6] The Pallava kings at several places are called Thondamans or Thondaiyarkon.

There are other opinions supporting their indigenous origins state that they were hereditary feudatory rulers under the Vakatakas.[7] Nilakanta Sastri states that "they appear.. to have been a dynasty of North Indian origin that moved to the South and there adapted local traditions to their own use."[5]

[edit] Foreign Origin Theories

Several scholars believe that the Pahlavas migrated from Persia to India and founded the Pallava dynasty of Kanchi.[6][5] According to Dr Jouveau Dubreuil,

The Pallavas were immigrants from north, or properly speaking from Konkan, Tenugu and Anarta into Deccan. They came into south India through Kuntala or Vanvasa...

Jouveau Dubreuil

Venkayya notes:

The Pallavas of Kāñcīpuram must have come originally from Persia, though the interval of time which must have elapsed since they left Persia must be several centuries. As the Persians are generally known to Indian poets under the name Pārasīka, the term Pahlava or Pallava must denote the Arsacidan Parthians, as stated by Professor Weber.

Venkayya, pp219–220

Dr V. A. Smith says:

It is possible that the Pallavas were not one distinct tribe or class but a mixed population composed partly of foreigners and partly of the Indian population but different in race from Tamils and taking their name from the title of an intruding foreign dynasty (Pahlava) which obtained control over them and welded them into an aggressive political power.

Early History of India, 1924, Dr V. A. Smith

Yet another link between the Pahlavas of the North and the Pallava rulers of Kanchi may be found in a legend which, according to Victor Goloubew,[8] takes its origin from the Scythians and plays a paramount part in the lands penetrated by the Pallavas and their culture. The Nagi legend of the Scythians which is connected with legends in Tamil literature and Pallava copper-plates as well as the annals of Cambodia carries a special significance here.[6][9]

[edit] Pallava Chronology

The rule of the Pallavas apparently starts as early as 275 CE, but their greatest epoch corresponds to the 7th and 8th century.[10]

[edit] Early Pallavas

The history of the early Pallavas has not yet been satisfactorily settled. The earliest documentation on the Pallavas is the three copper-plate grants,[11] belonging to Skandavarman I and written in Prakrit.[5] Skandavarman appears to have been the first great ruler of the early Pallavas, though there are references to other early Pallavas who were probably predecessors of Skandavarman.[12]

Skandavarman extended his dominions from the Krishna in the north to the Pennar in the south and to the Bellary district in the West. He performed the Aswametha and other Vedic sacrifices and bore the title of 'Supreme King of Kings devoted to dharma'.[5]

An absence of documentation about the Pallavas following Skandavarman is broken by the Allahabad pillar inscription of Samudragupta, which indicates that he defeated the Pallava Vishnugopa (350–355 CE). With Samudragupta's expedition the Pallava eclipse set in.[13]

In the reign of Simhavarman IV, who ascended the throne in 436 CE, the fallen prestige of the Pallavas was restored. He recovered the territories lost to the Vishnukundins in the north up to the mouth of the Krishna. The early Pallava history from this period onwards is furnished by a dozen or so copper-plate grants in Sanskrit. They are all dated in the regnal years of the kings.[13]

With the accession of Nandivarman I (480-500 CE), the decline of the early Pallava family was seen. The Kadambas had their aggressions and even the headquarters of the Pallavas was occupied by them. In coastal Andhra the Vishnukundins established their ascendency. The Pallava authority was confined to Tondaimandalam.

With the accession of Simhavishnu, father of Mahendravarman I, c. 575 CE, the Pallava revival began in the south.

[edit] Later Pallavas

The rock-cut temples at Mamallapuram constructed during the reign of Narasimhavarman I
The rock-cut temples at Mamallapuram constructed during the reign of Narasimhavarman I

The incursion of the Kalabhras and the confusion in the Tamil country was broken by the Pandya Kadungon and the Pallava Simhavishnu.[14][15] The Pallava kingdom began to gain both in territory and influence over the South Indian peninsula and were a regional power by the end of the 6th century.[16] The Pallavas exercised control over their southern neighbours of Cholas and Pandyas. But their history is marked by the continuous conflict with the Badami Chalukyas.[16]

Narasimhavarman I and Paramesvaravarman I were the kings who stand out with glorious achievements in both military and architectural spheres. Nandivarman II built the Shore Temple.

[edit] Kadava kingdom

Main article: Kadava

During the thirteenth and the fourteenth centuries CE, a small principality of the Kadava dynasty came into brief prominence. These rulers claimed descent from the Pallavas. The notable rulers of this dynasty are Kopperunchinga I (reigned c.1216 - 1242 CE), and his son and successor Kopperunchinga II (c.1243 - 1279 CE). Together they extended the influence of their kingdom and played a major part in the ultimate demise of the Chola dynasty.

[edit] Religion

Pallavas were followers of Hinduism and made gifts of land to gods and brahmins. In line with the prevalent customs, some of the rulers performed the Aswamedha and other Vedic sacrifices.[13]

They were, however, tolerant of other faiths. The Chinese monk Xuanzang who visited Kanchipuram during the reign of Narasimhavarman I reported that there were 100 Buddhist monasteries, and 80 temples in Kanchipuram.[17]

Mahendravarman I was initially a patron of the Jain faith. He later re-converted to Hinduism under the influence of the Saiva saint Appar with the revival of Hinduism during the Bhakti movement in South India.[18]

[edit] Pallava architecture

The Shore Temple at Mahabalipuram built by Narasimhavarman II
The Shore Temple at Mahabalipuram built by Narasimhavarman II

The Pallavas were instrumental in the transition from rock-cut architecture to stone temples. The earliest examples of Pallava constructions are rock-cut temples dating from 610–690 CE and structural temples between 690–900 CE. A number of rock-cut cave temples bear the inscription of the Pallava king, Mahendravarman I and his successors.[19]

The greatest accomplishments of the Pallava architecture are the rock-cut temples at Mahabalipuram. There are excavated pillared halls and monolithic shrines known as rathas in Mahabalipuram. Early temples were mostly dedicated to Shiva. The Kailasanatha temple in Kanchipuram and the Shore Temple built by Narasimhavarman II are fine examples of the Pallava style temples.[20]

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ Other sources describe him as a Persian, see Bodhidharma article
  2. ^ Kamil V. Zvelebil (1987). "The Sound of the One Hand", Journal of the American Oriental Society, Vol. 107, No. 1, p. 125-126.
  3. ^ Graeme Lyall. Seon - The Buddhism of Korea.
  4. ^ History of Tirupati: The Tiruvengadam Temple By T. K. T. Viraraghavacharya
  5. ^ a b c d e Nilakanta Sastri, A History of South India, p91
  6. ^ a b c Kulke and Rothermund, p120
  7. ^ Durga Prasad
  8. ^ Les legendes de le Nagi et de l'Apsaras, Bulletin de l'Ecole Francaise d'Extreme-Orient, Victor Goloubew
  9. ^ Cadambi Minakshi, pp 20, 25, 39
  10. ^ Avari, p186
  11. ^ Now referred to as the Mayidavolu, Hirahadagalli and the British Museum plates - Durga Prasad (1988)
  12. ^ Nilakanta Sastri, A History of South India, pp91–92
  13. ^ a b c Nilakanta Sastri, A History of South India, p92
  14. ^ Kulke and Rothermund, p105
  15. ^ Kulke and Rothermund, p120
  16. ^ a b Kulke and Rothermund, p111
  17. ^ Kulke and Rothermund, pp121–122
  18. ^ Appar
  19. ^ Nilakanta Sastri, pp412–413
  20. ^ Nilakanta Sastri, p139

[edit] References

  • Avari, Burjor (2007). India: The Ancient Past. New York: Routledge. 
  • Dubreuil, G. Jouveau; Dikshitar, V. S. Swaminadha (1995). The Pallavas. India: Asian Educational Services. ISBN 8120605748. 
  • Hermann, Kulke; Rothermund D [2000] (2001). A History of India. Routledge. ISBN 0-415-32920-5. 
  • Minakshi, Cadambi (1938). Administration and Social Life Under the Pallavas. Madras: University of Madras. 
  • Nilakanta Sastri, K.A [1955] (2002). A History of South India. New Delhi: OUP. 
  • Prasad, Durga (1988). History of the Andhras up to 1565 A.D.. Guntur, India: P.G. Publishers. 
  • South Indian Inscriptions. Archaeological Survey of India. What Is India Publishers (P) Ltd. Retrieved on 2008-05-30.

[edit] External links