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i was born. later i will become the future batman when sadly bruce wayne dies, i will fight crime in the gotham city and really kick ass. one day i will fight the joker and the thing, because he is gay with the joker, who is actually just pushing him around cos he likes his company, anyway, i will kill both of them with my super bat powers. on the way home in my bat mobile i will accidently kill superman, run him straight over. i will get fired from the job and therefore get no pay fot about 3 years cos killing superman looks shit on your cv. So i then become a bum on the streets of gotham city i will live in a shabby but yet lavish box behind the bat cave, i will also have a dog, a boxer dog to be precise, i will have trained him to smoke a pipe, wear a monocle, a top hat, a waistcoat and a pocket watch despite the fact he has no thumbs. he will also be an huge optomist, oh did i mention he speaks fluent english, spanish, dog/french, russian, albanian, chech, clingon, darlek, geek, chav, emo, gordie,yorkie, ya mam,arabic, piolt speak and japanese/snail. he will make me happy whenever i am sad and he will die when i accidentally throw him off a bridge when i was going to visit the statue of liberty. i will be so saddend by this that i join the monk hood shave my head and believe in god to the extent that i would die for him. in the monk hood i will have a very good time believing in god, i will then start a band with my monk friends and we shall be called the monk rockers, whay!, we shall become so popular, i will go corupt will all the power i shall then start a solo album quiting the monk rockers i will start living the high life, girls, music, money all that. i will like like this but feel dead inside i will one day whilst looking through my old stuff from the streets see a picture of our first monk rockers gig and be saddend i will go back to my old monk friends and live the life of god once more. one day disney will aproach me and ask if they want my life making into a film well only the bit about the monks so i said yes because i thought that it would show good values to kids always stick to your freinds all that shit, so they made the film staring ben afleck as me which i was pissed off about. the film was a massive hit at the box office and i hadnt even seen it yet. so one day i went to see it, after the film i went on a killing spree because they had shown the film to be all about the drink music and girls, and it was very explicit for a disney film especially with the U certificate. i went to florida and went to disney land i killed all the micky mice dudes and then i got called into the main office, there they will offer to bring back my dog to life because everyone knows that walt disney is actually satan. so i will do that and live happilly ever after.... almost one night when im sleeping my dog will come into my room and stab me in the back with and infected safty pin, he wanted revenge for me dropping him off the bridge, he then tied me up as I slowly died of tetnus. he was an evil dog now. So when i died, i drilled down the Earth into hell, i saw a man he said to me "You shall not pass me without giving me a quick bum" so i thought ok, ill bum him, so we had a quick bum, then saiton came along and joined it, man that was a night to remember!

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