Pacto de Olivos

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The Olivos Pact (Spanish: Pacto de Olivos) refers to a series of documents signed between the governing president of Argentina Carlos Menem and former president and leader of the opposition Raúl Alfonsín, that formed the basis of the constitution reform of 1994.

Before that constitutional reform, the presidential mandate had a length of six years, and a president could not have two consecutive terms. In an attempt to remain in power, Menem negotiated with Alfonsín for support in calling for constitutional reform and the re-election clause. In exchange, among other points, the government would grant autonomy to the city of Buenos Aires, which would have its own magistrature.

In spite of protests from different sectors, the constitutional reform took place mostly as expected by Menem and Alfonsín, with Menem gaining re-election as president in 1995.
