P-70 Ametist

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The P-70 Ametist (Russian: П-70 «Аметист»; English: amethyst) is a Soviet submarine-launched missile designed to destroy U.S aircraft carriers. Its GRAU designation is 4K66. And its NATO reporting name is SS-N-7 "Starbright".

It entered service on June 3, 1968[1] and was intended to replace the obsolete SS-N-3 "Shaddock". The P-70 is a shorter range missile than the "Shaddock" but it makes up for the range because it is faster and not as easy to shoot down.

The "P-70 Ametist" did not need mid-course updates because of its short range. This made it so the submarine that launched it did not need a radar to give it updates.

[edit] Specifications

  • Contractor: NPO Mashinostroyeniye
  • Total length: 6.7 meters (21.8 feet)
  • Weight: 3,375 kg (3.3 ton)
  • Warhead: 500 kg conventional high explosive or 200 kiloton nuclear warhead
  • Propulsion: solid rocket engine
  • Maximum Speed: Mach 0.9
  • Maximum effective range: 50-65 km (30 - 40 miles)
  • Guidance mode: inertial with terminal homing

[edit] References

  1. ^ (Russian)P-70 Ametist

[edit] External links