Owana Salazar

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Owana Salazar, formally Owana Kaʻohelelani Mahaelani-rose Salazar born October 30, 1953), is the current head of the House of Keoua Nui along with her son. She is a claimant princess of the Kingdom of Hawaii. Her status as claimant to the throne of the lapsed Kingdom of Hawaii or rather the House of Kamehameha was derived through her maternal great-great grandmother Theresa Owana Laanui who was great-great-great granddaughter of Keoua Kalanikupuapaikalaninui the father of king Kamehameha the Great.

She was born 30th October 1953 the eldest daughter of Henry Mario Salazar and Princess Helena Kalokuokamaile Keoua Wilcox. She was enrolled in Kamehameha Schools and went on to the University of Hawaii. She is also a Slack-key guitarist and singer. She serves Kuhina Nui of Ka Lahui Hawaii 1988-1998 for her son. She is the related to her rival pretender Prince Quentin Kawananakoa who her ninth cousin once removed, both being descendants of Keaweikekahialiiokamoku the 17th century Hawaiian chief.

Compare to Prince Quentin Kawananakoa, the Princess Owana would lose in the western sense of a line of succession to the Hawaiian throne, since Owana's ancestors were never on any official line of succession passed by any of the Hawaiian monarch while Quentin Kawananakoa's great-grandfather, David Kawananakoa, was on the Line of Succession in the reign of King Kalakaua and Queen Liliuokalani. But one was not forget that Kalakaua had created a line of succession, compressing of his siblings and cousins, due to his dislike of the elective monarchy at that present time after the death of Kamehameha V and also due to his desire for his descendants to continue on ruling Hawaii. One must ask, "Is the Hawaiian throne the throne of the Kalakauas or the Kamehamehas?"

Compare to Prince Quentin Kawananakoa in the Hawaiian sense of aliʻi (chiefly/royal) rank or mana, the Princess Owana would be a more suitable Aliʻi Nui. As it was customary, Hawaiian trace one's rank first through the mother than the father because of Hawaii was once a martriachal society. Her mother was the Princess Helena Kalokuokamaile Wilcox, a Hawaiian royal alʻi. Quentin Kawananakoa's mother was the second wife of his father, Mrs. Carolyn Willison Kawananakoa, who was not an aliʻ or even Hawaiian. Some may argue Owana's father was Henry Mario Salazar, a Mexican of no Hawaiian blood or aliʻi rank but mother's lineage was before the father's and sometimes the father's descent wasn't even accounted for. In the Hawaiian sense of close relatives intermarrying with each other both opposing pretenders lose because the Hawaiian aliʻi has given up the practice of inbreeding within the royal house since the days of Nahienaena and Kauikeaouli.

[edit] Marriage

She married Ronald Walters and had a daughter, Princess Kapumahana Ka'ahumanu Walters, born October 15, 1979. She married ca. 1980, Kaipo DeGuire. With her second husband she had a son, Prince Noa Kalokuokamaile DeGuire, born November 19, 1981.

[edit] External links