OW2 Consortium

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The OW2 Consortium (formed in January 2007 from the merger of the ObjectWeb Consortium and Orientware) is a not-for-profit, international consortium mainly devoted to producing open source middleware, EAI, e-business, clustering, grid computing. It was founded by INRIA, Groupe Bull, and France Télécom. OW2 is dedicated to the development of high-quality open-source components for distributed applications (Web applications, grid computing, clusters, business integration, nomadic systems, etc).

The purpose of distributed infrastructure software is to interconnect systems that are heterogeneous by nature. In this spirit, the software developed by OW2 complies with open standards established by independent bodies such as JCP, OMG or OSGi. Open access to the source code, as allowed by the open source licenses, guarantees the best possible level of compliance with these standards.

The consortium promotes the dialogue between technology suppliers and user companies and, doing so, is instrumental in the emergence of an offering of professional solutions based on open-source infrastructure software together with the required services – such as training, advice and maintenance.

Various components, developed by the OW2 consortium, are connected together into the JOnAS JEE server. OW2 also has an Eclipse plugin to develop JEE applications (Lomboz).

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