Outer membrane protein G

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Outer membrane protein G (OmpG)
Symbol Porin_OmpG
Pfam PF09381
SCOP 2iwv
TCDB 1.B.21
OPM family 181
OPM protein 2iwv

Outer membrane protein G (OmpG) is a porin, a channel proteins in the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria.

Escherichia coli OmpG forms a 14-stranded beta-barrel and in contrast to most porins, appears to function as a monomer [1]. The central pore of OmpG is wider than other E. coli porins and it is speculated that it may form a non-specific channel for the transport of larger oligosaccharides [1].

[edit] References

  • [1]. Crystal structure of the monomeric porin OmpG. Subbarao GV, van den Berg B; J Mol Biol. 2006;360:750-759. PubMed

This article includes text from the public domain Pfam and InterPro [1]