
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hello. Welcome to my Wikipedia user page. My name is Justin, but I've been under many other pseudonyms and thus, Ouroburous is usually my username here. I usually try to keep some of the things I do know around Wikipedia accurate and precise, even with some from my hometown of Sioux City.

[edit] About my name

It was basically a misspelling of the word 'ouroburos' as the ouroburos is a worm that eats its own tail. At the time I created this name, I wanted something distinct for myself and in a sense, the misspelling wasn't used, I created it. It looked far superior to the normal spelling and thus, my official Wikiuser name was born. I can't say I won't absolutely leave this page nonchalantly without links, because I probably will edit this again from time to time to reflect who I am.