Our Lady of the Abandoned Parish

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OLA Parish Church, houses the Patron Saint of Marikina
OLA Parish Church, houses the Patron Saint of Marikina

Our Lady of the Abandoned, also known as Nuestra Señora de los Desamparados, Marikina City, is a Roman Catholic church and the home of an image of the Virgin Mary venerated locally, which has received Papal recognition.


[edit] History

[edit] Early years

The supervision of Catholic faith in Marikina started when the town was again ceded by the Augustinians from the Jesuits. On March 10, 1687, Governor Gabriel Cruz Elasque ordered the transfer of Marikina to the care of the Augustinians and merged with the ministry of San Mateo. He instructed Don Juan Pimetel, Alcalde de Tondo, to vacate and demolish the visita of Jesus de la Peña due to the turbulent Marikina River which floods the area during rainy season. The visita cannot accommodate the growing population of the community. This finally led the friars to cross the river to find a higher place for a bigger church which is now where the present church stands and subsequently made an independent parish in the year 1690.

[edit] The first image

On October 23, 1791 the church was consecrated by the Archdiocese of Manila for the Virgin's said title so that it may never be used for any secular purpose. In 1898, during the Filipino-American War the first image was burned together with the pertinent records on the devotion in Marikina. Last 1902, a new image was created which is presently venerated in the parish.

[edit] A miracle

The devotion became well known because of the miracles attributed to the image, among the notable miracles of Nuestra Señora de los Desamparados happened during World War II when the Japanese army bombarded the city. Apparently, a bomb fell near the bell tower of the church but did not explode. It would have destroyed the whole church if this had happened. Parishioners attributed this miracle to the intercession of the Blessed Virgin.

[edit] The episcopal coronation

The intercession of the Virgin on the community's prayer was remarkable and was highligted by Her devotees when the image was honored with an Episcopal Coronation of the image last May 12, 2002 through a Decree promulgated by the then Bishop of Antipolo, Most Rev. Crisostomo A. Yalung, D.D.

[edit] The canonical coronation

By virtue of a Papal Bull granted by the Holy See through Pope Benedict XVI, the image was hailed with a solemn ceremony on Her Canonical Coronation last October 23, 2005. The Papal Bull granting the canonical coronation of the image was the first granted by Pope Benedict XVI in his papacy to a Marian image. His Eminence Cardinal Gaudencio Rosales, D.D., in the name of the Holy Father, crowned the image with much pomp and pagentry that spelled the love of the people of Marikina to Our Lady of the Abandoned. On August 5 (Feast of the Dedication of the Basilica of St. Mary Major in Rome), the parish church of Our Lady of the Abandoned in Marikina City was elevated into a Diocesan Shrine by the present Bishop of Antipolo, Most Rev. Gabriel V. Reyes, D.D.

[edit] The current parish priest

The new Auxiliary Bishop of Antipolo, Most Rev. Francisco de Leon, D.D., was formally welcomed in the Diocese of Antipolo on September 8, 2007 at the Shrine-Parish of Our Lady of the Abandoned. He is now serving as its parish priest, while Msgr. Mariano Balbago has been designated as parish administrator and first rector of the shrine.

[edit] The School Built

Since the Parish was built, during 1973, plans have undergone to construct Marikina Catholic School. Today, Msgr. Mariano T. Balbago Jr. improved it and is currently alive and well ordinated with Mr. Emmanuel de Guzman who is also known as the Student Discpline Officer and the Student Affairs Coordinator. Guided by the principal of the said school, Mrs. Ma. Luz de Guzman. Currently, there are 6 sections in the grade 5 and 6 namely, Mother Undefiled, Mother of God, Mother Most amiable, Mother of Our Savior, Mother of Our Creator and Mother of Good Counsel. And in the grade six, Our Lady of Lourdes, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Our Lady of Fatima, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Our Lady of Loreto and Our Lady of Nazareth.

[edit] Patroness

The image has 3 more from the Philippines, there were in Cavite, Marikina, Manila & many many more