Osip Abdulov

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Osip Naumovich Abdulov (Russian: Осип Наумович Абдулов) (16 November 1900, Łódź14 June 1953), was a Russian actor.

His scenic activity began in 1918 in the Shalyapin studio, then appeared in the theater studio of Yuri Zavadsky, in the Moscow theater of the revolution, and in 1943 he arrived into the company of Theater of the Mossovet. Among the best roles of actor - Lynyaev in the Volki i Ovtsi of Alexandr Ostrovsky, Fromanteil in the School of the nonpayers of Louis Verneil, Uncle Vas in the Cabinet Minister's Wife of Branislav Nušić.

From 1924 Osip Abdulov worked on the radio - first as announcer and actor, then - as director, he organized artistic broadcasting for the children.

He began to act in a films in 1933, approving himself as the bright, sharply characterized and comic actor. In the number of best works of Abdulov it is possible to name the roles of Long John Silver in the Treasure Island (1937), Tarantulov in the The Man in a Case by novel of Anton Chekhov, Greek Dymshu in the Wedding, Krashke in the Duel. He played also in the films The bright way, Svinarka i pastukh, A fifteen year captain. He became People's Artist of the RSFSR in 1944.

His son Vsevolod Abdulov (d. 2002) also was a notable actor.

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