Oseberg style

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Timeline for the Norse animal styles.
Timeline for the Norse animal styles.

The Oseberg style is a Scandinavian animal style which is named after the Oseberg ship grave which also contained numerous richly decorated objects in wood.[1] The characteristic motif of the style is gripping beasts.[1] The style is also characterized by traditions from the Vendel era, and it is nowadays not generally accepted as an independent style.[1]

The animal ornamentation of the Viking Age is usually categorized into Oseberg style, Borre style, Jelling style, Mammen style, Ringerike style and Urnes style.[2]

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  1. ^ a b c The article osebergstil in Nationalencyklopedin (1994).
  2. ^ The article djurornamentik in Nationalencyklopedin (1991).