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An orthophoto or orthophotograph is an aerial photograph that has been geometrically corrected ("orthorectified") such that the scale of the photograph is uniform, meaning that the photo can be considered equivalent to a map. Unlike an uncorrected aerial photograph, an orthophotograph can be used to measure true distances, because it is an accurate representation of the earth's surface, having been adjusted for topographic relief, lens distortion, and camera tilt.

Orthophotographs are commonly used in the creation of a Geographic Information System (GIS). Software such as MapInfo, ArcInfo or MetaMap can display the orthophoto and allow an operator to 'digitize' or place linework, text annotations or geographic symbols, such as hospital or fire stations. In addition, there are a few software products that can process the orthophoto and produce the linework automatically within a certain percentage of accuracy.


[edit] Orthophoto

Aerial Photo & Digital Orthophoto
Aerial Photo & Digital Orthophoto

An orthophoto is an aerial photograph that has been planimetrically corrected to remove distortion caused by camera optics, camera tilt, and differences in elevation. Orthophotographs have the positive attributes of a photograph such as detail and timely coverage, and the positive attributes of a map including uniform scale and true geometry. This enables the orthophotographs to be used in their primary role as a backdrop onto which map features can be overlaid. Orthophotos represent the primary use of remote sensing imagery.

Orthophotos are now created by scanning an aerial photograph and converting it into a raster image file format. A digital terrain model is then added as a means of collecting ground points to indicate the changes in elevation. When control points are identified on the aerial photos, stereomodels are developed and geometric distortions are estimated. The image is rectified and georeferenced using mathematical models of photogrammetry for the removal of tilt, terrain, atmospheric and other digital image distortions

[edit] Orthophotoscope

The orthophotoscope, an optical device, was used initially to produce orthophotos. The first instruments designed to produce orthophotographs were by Lacmann in Germany and Ferber in France at the beginning of the 1930’s. After Ferber’s design, a series of designs were built by the Gallus firm and tested by the “Service Geographique de l’Armee” as well as the French Cadastral Service. Neither agency decided to adopt orthophotography.

T-64 orthophotoscope
T-64 orthophotoscope

In 1955, Russell Bean of the Topographic Branch of the U.S. Geological Survey invented the Orthophotoscope, which was initially used to make orthophotographs for use by geologists of the same agency. This was the first orthophotoscope that was used to produce orthophotoquads (rectified air photos). The T-64 model was a modified Kelsh analog stereoplotter that profiled the stereomodel while the operator manually raised and lowered the film level based on the terrain height. Successful model designs were produced by the USGS such as the U-60, T-61 and in 1964, the T-64 model that was put into production by the Kelsh Instrument Company. It was sold to Canada, Greece and to the U.S. Geological Survey. The operation of an orthophotoscope is similar to tracing correct planimetry from a stereomodel, as it continually adjusts the floating dot to keep it in contact with the terrain surface. After the aperture has moved across the stereomodel along one scan line, it is stepped in a vertical position that is the distance equal to the width of the aperture and the next scan line is exposed.

Current orthophotoscopes also operate by first scanning the entire stereo model by using the floating dot method, or by mathematically computing the parallax difference at each point using a statistical procedure called cross correlation. The computed elevation along each scan line from the parallax difference is stored in a digital elevation model data file. The file is then used to raise and lower the aperture as it moves along each scan line in the orthophotoscope.

[edit] Orthophoto Process

Orthographic views project at a right angle to the data plane.  Perspective views project from the surface onto the datum plane from a fixed location.
Orthographic views project at a right angle to the data plane. Perspective views project from the surface onto the datum plane from a fixed location.

Aerial photographs are useful for providing spatial information, but they usually contain geometric distortion. Maps that are geometrically precise are called planimetric or orthographic maps. An orthographic map plots the position of objects after they have been projected onto a datum plane. Spatial features above or below the plane are projected up or down in a vertical format onto the horizontal plane. Most aerial photographs unfortunately show a non-orthographic perspective view. A perspective view gives a geometrically distorted image of the earth’s surface. The distortion of aerial photographs affect the relative position of objects and uncorrected data derived from aerial photographs, and this will result in data not being directly overlaid to an accurate orthographic map.

An air photo is acquired by a large format camera that is mounted in a stabilized position with the camera pointing straight down at the earth’s surface to record the images in flight lines. A pair of photos is used for determining the relative difference in elevation. During a flight line, each photograph overlaps the previous one by 65%, which is called an endlap. This overlap allows the viewing of a stereomodel, which is a three-dimensional model of terrain elevation. A parallel flight line captures images with sidelap of about 25%.

Aerial photographs appear in various formats and sizes. A 240 mm (9 inch) format specifies a square photograph 240 millimeters on the side, and a 35mm format specifies a film with an imaging area that is 24mm by 36mm. Camera systems based on 35mm and 70mm film are considered to be small format. Cameras that use 240 mm film are considered to be large format. Large format cameras are often used to take aerial photographs that will be used for the development of an orthophoto. These cameras are taken onto specialized aircraft that are designed for taking photographs, and they are able to support aerial photography with precise positioning and flight control.

[edit] Digital Conversion Process

In the digital process, the development of orthophotos must go through a process called differential rectification or orthorectification, which is a point-by-point correction of the scale and relief displacements normally resulting from variations in elevation between the aircraft and the topography over which the aircraft flies. The aircraft is flown at normal range heights using a standard wide-angle camera. The orthophotograph is created with a stereomodel of the terrain, the same approach adopted in plotting a conventional line map from aerial photographs using a stereo-plotting machine. The process applies the corrections to photographs prior to digitization, in which a photograph is scanned to produce a digital raster image. Aerial photographs are produced into digital orthophotos by dividing the given area of a photograph into very small, equal sized pixels. The geometric correction of aerial photographs requires the calculating of distortion at each point, and then shifting the image to the proper location. To produce an orthophotograph, the overlapping photographs are set up similarly to using a stereomodel, in which the plotting machine is replaced by a narrow opening, by which only one of the images is admitted through filtering to be recorded onto a film sheet. Instead of continuously following individual features, such as roads, field boundaries, streams, as done by a measuring mark, the aperture is made to transverse the stereomodel systematically in a series of parallel tranverses, forming a raster pattern to ensure that all details present in the stereo model is recorded orthogonally on the film below.

The digital photograph is registered when each pixel is placed in its precise geographic position by a program that takes into consideration the camera location, the orientation of the camera platform, and the heights of all points in the grid of the area photographed. In the photogrammetric method, it “combines ground-surveyed measurements with measurements taken on aerial images to provide precise, orthographically correct coordinate locations.” This process requires the measurement of the photo coordinates and their combination of x, y, and z coordinates. Photo coordinates can be measured using a ruler or calipers, but they are usually measured using digital methods. The displacement is then calculated for each point in the raster image, and distortion is removed for each raster cell.

Multiple photographs can be analyzed, corrected and mosaiced all at once by a process called “bundle adjustment”, in which interrelated sets of equations are used to find a globally optimum set of corrections across all photographs. If a photo is black and white, each pixel is assigned a single numerical value corresponding to its light intensity. Color orthophotos are handled in an analogous way by transforming a vector of light intensities for different color bands into a single number. After the model has been scanned, the film is then developed as a negative orthophotograph, and it would usually be brought to the required scale by appropriate scaling or setting of the stereo-model, and can enlarged or reduced by the user if the scaling has not been adjusted after being scanned.

[edit] Orthophotos at the U.S. Geological Survey

The systematic production of orthophotographs began at the United States Geological Survey (USGS) Western Mapping Center, now called the Western Geographic Science Center in Menlo Park, California, in 1965 by using the T-64 Orthophotoscope. This analogue process was used up to the early 1980s, in which production was labour intensive and done primarily in-house. Analogue orthophotos were derived mainly from high altitude, 1:80,000-scale aerial photographs and were then produced in 7.5-minute units. There were also problems regarding the limitations of equipment and restrictive film properties. Technicians throughout the 1970s at WMC were trying to develop new photographic techniques that would improve the methods used and quality of their products, such as ways to use new high contrast lithographic duplicating film to create machine-processed continuous-tone images, as well as developing a computer technique for reliable film exposures and processing controls.

An image from a part of a digital orthophoto quadrangle of Washington, DC
An image from a part of a digital orthophoto quadrangle of Washington, DC

It was during the 1980s in which the Western Mapping Center created notes and algorithms for a digital method to produce orthophotos that were to be produced at a much easier and faster rate, but during this time, computers lacked sufficient memory and speed to utilise this process effectively. As computers became much faster in processing data in 1986, the WMC was granted approval to develop a new digital orthophoto quad (DOQ) production system. The intent of producing this system was to develop a more efficient method for producing hard-copy orthophotos, as well as creating a digital product which users could manipulate and use as a base map for Geographic Information System (GIS) data.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) was also interested in producing more current soil maps. When the USDA became aware of the work done by the WMC, an agreement was made for the USDA to provide funding for preliminary production of large quantities of DOQs. The USDA was interested in producing a high resolution product that could be created using 1:80,000-scale aerial photographs, in which the DOQs were based on a new 1:40,000-scale aerial photograph program that yielded a 3.75-minute format or one-fourth of a standard 7.5-minute quadrangle, and approximately 1-metre resolution.

The full scale production of DOQs at the WMC started in 1991, when 65 DOQs equal in size to one quadrangle were delivered. Technical specifications for developing DOQs were finalized, and the UGGS joined the USDA and other Federal agencies to create the National Orthophoto program. This program ensures the public domain availability of DOQ data for the entire United States. During that same year, 2,600 DOQs were created in-house at WMC, and 2,804 DOQs were contracted out. Any DOQs produced by contractors had to be routed back through the WMC for evaluation and validation.

The production of DOQs peaked in 1999 when WMC was responsible for contract production and in-house production of 47,000 DOQs. The DOQ program at the WMC tapered off after 2000 because coverage of the coterminous United States was nearing completion and production as well as contracting duties for DOQs had been relocated to the USGS mapping center in Rolla, Missouri.

[edit] Types of DOQs produced by the U.S. Geological Survey

(1)7.5-minute (Full-Quad) DOQs cover an area measuring 7.5-minutes longitude and latitude. Full-quad DOQs are mostly available for Oregon, Washington and Alaska with limited coverage being available for other areas of the United States. Full-quad DOQs are available in both Native and GeoTIFF formats. Native DOQs are formatted with an ASCll keyword header followed by a series of 8-bit binary image lines for Black/White DOQs. Native formats are cast to UTM projection and referenced to either NAD 27 or NAD 83. GeoTIFF has referencing information embedded within the .tif file. DOQs in GeoTIFF format are cast to the UTM projection and referenced to NAD83.

(2)Seamless DOQs are available for free download from the on the USGS seamless website and it provides the most current data of the United States.

[edit] Characteristics of a Digital Orthophoto Quadrangle

Digital orthophoto quadrangles are produced by the U.S. Geologial Survey (USGS) and are gray scale, natural color, or color infrared (CIR) images with a 1-meter ground resolution. The images cover an area measuring 3.75-minutes longitude by 3.75-minutes latitude or 7.5 minutes longitude by 7.5 minutes latitude. A DOQ has between 50 and 300 meters over edge image beyond the latitude and longitude corner crosses embedded in the image. A standard DOQ is formatted with an ASCII keyword header followed by a series of 8-bit binary image lines. Color DOQs are 24-bit band-interleaved-by-pixel (BIP) images. In the header, it contains a wide range of data for identifying, displaying and georeferencing the image. All Digital Orthophoto Quadrangles are referenced to the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83) and cast as a Universal Tranverse Mercator (UTM) projection. The primary (NAD 83) and secondary (NAD 27) datum coordinates for the upper left pixel are included in the header in order for users to spatially reference other digital data to the DOQ.

The following is required for creating a DOQ:
(1) A digital image is produced by scanning an aerial photograph with a high resolution scanner.
(2) Camera calibration parameters, like the calibrated focal length and the coordinates of the camera fiducials.
(3) A minimum of three ground positions that can be identified on the photograph to be rectified.
(4) A digital elevation model (DEM)

A Digital Ortho Quadrangle can be integrated into any geographic information system (GIS) that can manipulate raster images. DOQ’s can function as a cartographic base for displaying, generating and modifying associated digital planimetric data. A DOQ can be used in other applications such as, vegetation, timber management, routing and habitat analysis, environmental impact assessment, emergency evacuation planning, flood analysis, soil erosion assessment, facility management, ground water and watershed analysis. The accuracy and detail provided by DOQs enable users to evaluate the data for accuracy, make real time modifications to data and generate new files.

[edit] Characteristics of a Digital Orthophoto Quarter Quadrangle

Digital Ortho Quarter Quadrangle for Kymartian, Kentucky.
Digital Ortho Quarter Quadrangle for Kymartian, Kentucky.

A DOQQ is a one meter pixel resolution that covers areas measuring 3.75-minutes longitude and latitude at a 1:12,000 scale. Currently, 3.75-minute DOQQs are available for most of the United States, and the remaining locations should have been completed by 2004. Quarter-quad DOQs are available in Native and Geotiff formats. Native formats quarter quads consists of an ASCll keyboard header followed by a series of 8-bit binary image lines for B/W and 24-bit band-interleaved-by-pixel (BIP) for color.

It is cast to the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projection and referenced to either the North American Datum of 1927 (NAD 27) or the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83). The GeoTiff format consists of a georeferenced Tagged Image File Format (TIFF), with all geographic referencing information embedded within the .tif file. GeoTIFF formats are cast to the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projection and referenced to North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83).

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

[edit] References

  • Bolstad, P., (2005), GIS Fundamentals: A First Text on Geographic Information Systems, Eider Press, White Bear Lake, MN, 2nd ed.
  • Demers, Michael N., (1997). Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems, John Wiley & Sons.
  • Fernandez, E., Garfinkel, R. & Roman Arbiol, (May-June, 1998) Operations Research, Vol. 46, no. 3, pg. 293-304.
  • Petrie, G., (1977), Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers: Orthophotomaps New Series, vol. 2, no.1, Contemporary Cartography. , pg. 49-70
  • Robinson, A.H., Morrison, J.L., Muehrcke, P.C., Kimerling, A.J., Stephen Guptill, (1995) Elements of Cartography: John Wiley & Sons Inc., Canada, 6th ed.
  • United States Geological Survey, US Department of Interior, USGS Fact Sheet May 2001 http://erg.usgs.gov/isb/pubs/factsheets/fs05701.html

[edit] External links