Orthodontic Technicians Association

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Orthodontic Technicians Association
Founded 1971
Members 320 (2008)
Country Flag of the United Kingdom United Kingdom
Affiliation British Orthodontic Society
Key people David Bearn, President
Chris Bridle, Chairman
S. James Abbott, Secretary
James Green, Treasurer
Darren Collinson, Membership Secretary
Office location London, UK
Website www.orthota.co.uk

The Orthodontic Technicians Association (OTA) is the professional body to which the majority of orthodontic technicians in the United Kingdom belong to. While the OTA is based in the UK it is by no means just a British professional body – many of its 320 Fellows, Licentiates, Members, Associate Members and Honorary Members live and practice overseas.


[edit] Origins

This article is part of a series on the
Orthodontic Technicians Association

President (David Bearn)
Chairman (Chris Bridle)
Secretary (S. James Abbott)
Treasurer (James Green)
Membership Secretary (Darren Collinson)
Full list of council members

BOS Technicians Award
Distinguished Technicians Award
Aldridge Medal

Related organisations
British Orthodontic Society
Dental Laboratories Association

London orthodontic technicians began to hold meetings in 1971 to discuss the regulation of orthodontic technology and the ways in which standards in the profession could be improved.

It all began when Bert Aldridge and Len Bradshaw were visiting lecturers at South London Technical College (now Lambeth College) and they discussed the possibility of forming an Orthodontic Technicians Association. Aldridge was chief orthodontic technician at Great Ormond Street Hospital in London, which was referred to as the Hospital for Sick Children, Great Ormond Street at that time. Bradshaw was his counterpart at Kings College Dental School.

In 1971 Aldridge wrote to the orthodontic technicians working in the London teaching hospitals. He invited them to attend a meeting on Monday 11 October 1971 at 6.00pm and held at Great Ormond Street Hospital to discuss forming an association.

Thirteen orthodontic technicians attended the meeting and it was agreed that such an association should be formed. From this meeting a steering committee was organised. Len Bradshaw became the first chairman and Bert Aldridge was secretary. Other committee members were P. Chittenden, H. Close, J. Ford, J. Griffin and H. Haringman.

During the first four meetings aims and objectives were drawn up and in March 1972 a letter and questionnaire were sent to dental schools, hospital orthodontic departments and county council dental laboratories. As an act of confidence each committee member together with E. Cripps, H. Essinger, A. Wing and G. Wisker contributed to a launching fund to cover the costs of stationery, printing and postage.

In July 1972 a letter together with an application form and the comments received from the original replies were sent out inviting orthodontic technicians to apply for membership. During the meetings that followed the constitution was written and the first conference was planned, which was to be held in April 1973. A letter with details of the conference were sent out to all orthodontic departments in the UK.

[edit] Offices

The council meets at the headquarters of the British Orthodontic Society at 12 Bridewell Place, London, which opened in 2006.

[edit] Logo

The OTA logo is circular in shape and depicts the letters OTA with an otter, the mascot of the Orthodontic Technicians Association. The otter is the association's mascot because of the possible pronunciation of OTA as "otter." The perimeter of the logo is encircled with the words "Orthodontic Technicians Association."

[edit] Current activities

The aims of the association remain close to those of its founders: to encourage the study, promote the highest standards of practice and advance the knowledge of orthodontic laboratory and clinical techniques for the benefit of the orthodontic team and patient. The OTA continues to advise institutions and individuals on the use of all orthodontic laboratory techniques and the service that is provided by orthodontic technicians.

[edit] Membership

There are various grades of membership and these are as follows:

[edit] Student Members

A dental technician undergoing training to specialise in orthodontics or a student dental technician with an interest in orthodontics. Students pay a reduced rate of subscription, receive the journal and can attend conferences and meetings. Student members do not have voting rights at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).

[edit] Associate Members

Someone with a special interest in orthodontics or connected with orthodontics may become an associate member of the association. Associates receive the newsletter and may attend conferences but they may not vote at the AGM.

[edit] Members

A qualified dental technician not holding a specialist orthodontic qualification but working within the field of orthodontics can become a member. Members will receive the newsletter and may attend conferences; as well as this they may vote at the AGM. Only two members may stand for election to the Council. A member of the Association is entitled to place the letters MOTA after their name.

[edit] Licentiates

To become a Licentiate of the Association you must possess either a City & Guilds Advanced Certificate in Orthodontics, or at least two specialist units in orthodontics at BTEC Higher National Certificate (HNC) or Higher National Diploma (HND) level or SCOTVEC equivalent. In addition to the rights of a Member, Licentiates may stand for election to the Council and may place the letters LOTA after their names.

[edit] Honorary Members and Fellows

Honorary Memberships and Fellowships may be awarded to any grade of member at the discretion of the Council.

[edit] Retired Members

A member of the Association who reaches retiring age shall be permitted to pay a reduced rate of subscription as laid down by the Council. They will still have the right to attend all meetings and conferences and receive all literature.

[edit] Events

[edit] Orthodontic Technicians Association Conference

With the onset of statutory registration and certified continuing professional development for dental technicians by the General Dental Council, attendance at the OTA conference is widely regarded as the best way of keeping up to date with the latest developments and innovations in orthodontic technology.

[edit] Edinburgh 2008

The 2008 conference will be held in Edinburgh between from the 13th - 15th March 2008.[1]. This conference is significant because it is the first to be held since it became compulsory for dental technicians to be legally regulated and register with the General Dental Council.[2]. Therefore it is also mandatory for all dental professionals to undergo continuing professional development (CPD). The conference will provide eight hours of CPD.

[edit] Host City
The historic Royal Mile, the location of the 37th annual OTA conference
The historic Royal Mile, the location of the 37th annual OTA conference
Main article: Edinburgh

The venue for the conference is Edinburgh and is in the south-east of Scotland, on the east coast of Scotland's Central Belt, on the south shore of the Firth of Forth, on the North Sea and, because of its rugged setting and vast collection of Medieval and Georgian architecture including numerous stone tenements, it is often considered one of Europe's most dramatic cities.

The location of the conference is one of Europe's major tourist destinations, attracting around 13 million visitors a year, and is the second most visited tourist destination in the United Kingdom, after London.[3]

[edit] Venue

The Radisson SAS Hotel is located on the historic Royal Mile, halfway between Edinburgh Castle and Holyrood Palace. All rooms have recently been refurbished with air conditioning and free broadband access. All residents receive complimentary access to the onsite health & leisure club, offering a gym, sauna, swimming pool and a variety of relaxing treatments. Located in the heart of the city, the Radisson SAS Hotel is close to an array of designer shops, restaurants and bars as well as some of the world’s top tourist attractions.

[edit] Conference Director

The conference is co-ordinated by OTA council member Neil Nairn who is a lecturer in orthodontics at the University of Glasgow.

[edit] Programme

The expected programme of lectures is as follows:

Friday 14th March
19:30 Delegate registration and welcome buffet
Saturday 15th March
09:00-09:05 Conference opens
09:05-09:30 Lingual bonded retainers: Are we stuck with the same thing? Jeff Lewis
09:30-10:00 Mini Implants David Parberry
10:30-11:00 Tea and Coffee/Trade Exhibition
11:00-11:40 Breathing problems in children and adults: The role of the dental team J. P. McDonald
11:40-12:00 Electropalatography Alan Wrench
12:00-12:10 To be confirmed Ian Bond
12:10-12:30 Aesthetic retainers Vaughan Jones and Allan G. Jones
12:30-13:45 Lunch/Trade Exhibition
14:00-14:30 Composite veneers and resin retained bridges used in conjunction with aesthetic retainers Vaughan Jones and Allan G. Jones
14:30-15:30 3D Imaging B. Khambay and A. Ayoub
15:30-16:00 DCP registration Dennis Toppin
16:00-16:15 Tea and Coffee/Trade Exhibition
16:15-17:15 Annual General Meeting
19:30 Annual Conference Dinner
Sunday 16th March
09:30-10:15 Laser welding in orthodontics Roberto Giaminarri
10:15-11:00 Pre-surgical orthopaedics in cleft care Peter Mossey
11:00-11:30 Tea and Coffee/Trade Exhibition
11:30-12:00 Modified Lockwood key spacer technique update Paul Mallett
12:00-12:10 Pressure/vacuum formed retainers Steve Evans
12:10-12:30 TBC Donald Cameron
12:30 Lunch/Conference closes

[edit] British Orthodontic Conference

An orthodontic technology programme at the British Orthodontic Conference (BOC), the main annual conference of the British Orthodontic Society is organised by members of the OTA council.

[edit] Dental Technology Show

The OTA will be represented at the Dental Technology Show (DTS) at the Ricoh Arena in Coventry on 9th - 10th May 2008.

[edit] Awards

[edit] British Orthodontic Society Technicians Award

This award was established by the OTA and the BOS in 1999 and was devised to encourage the study, improve the practice and advance the knowledge of orthodontics. The award consists of three items:

  • A set piece of technical work to be completed on models provided
  • One free choice appliance on models on the applicant's choice
  • A written essay of 300 to 500 words on the criteria used in designing and selecting the materials for the free choice appliance.

The award is open to all students undertaking a recognised first level dental technology course in the United Kingdom and technicians who have been qualified for less than two years at the time of the closing date.

[edit] BOS Distinguished Orthodontic Technicians Award

The British Orthodontic Society Award to an Orthodontic Technician for Distinguished Service is awarded annually to an orthodontic technician who has made an outstanding contribution to the field of orthodontics. The award is sponsored by the BOS and the annual nomination is sought in conjunction with the OTA.

[edit] Aldridge Medal

Main article: Aldridge Medal

Following a generous donation by one of the association's founders, Bert Aldridge, the Aldridge Medal was launched in 2007. This award is designed to encourage members to present new research and developments in the field at the annual OTA conference. The best lecture given at the conference, as judged by the members, is awarded the Aldridge Medal. The best presenter at the 2007 conference was Susan Owen and she will be presented with the first Aldridge Medal at the 2008 conference.

[edit] Council

See also: Orthodontic Technicians Association Council

The OTA Council is the governing body of the Orthodontic Technicians Association and is elected by the members. Traditionally the council consisted of a President (who is an orthodontist and maintains the link with the British Orthodontic Society), four executive council members (Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Membership Secretary) and five non-executive council members. At the Annual General Meeting on 12 March 2005 two more non-executive positions were created due to a steady increase in council duties and commitments making a total of 12 council members. The Council is responsible for the overall governance of the OTA, and has ultimate responsibility for the sustainability and the finances of the organisation. Council members are not paid to serve on Council but voluntarily give up their time to serve the OTA and its members, in their governance role.

[edit] Representation

Council members are based in London, the South East of England, the East Midlands, the North West of England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland, therefore representing a wide geographical area. The OTA is represented on various boards and committees by council members to represent the interests of orthodontic technicians. In addition members gain representation and liaison with the following bodies:

[edit] Current Council Members

Portfolio Council Member
President David Bearn
Chairman Chris Bridle
Secretary and
Newsletter Editor
S. James Abbott
Treasurer James Green
Membership Secretary Darren Collinson
Vice Chairman and
Education Secretary
Jeff Lewis
Proceedings Editor,
Publicity Officer and
BSI Representative
John Brown
Minutes Secretary Kerry Lancaster
Council member David Hoban
Council member Paul Mallett
Council member Neil Nairn
Council member Ed Payne
Education Sub-committee (Co-opted)
Committee member Rowland Gardner
Committee member Vaughan Jones

[edit] Trivia

[edit] References

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

[edit] Edinburgh 2008

[edit] Other events