Orissa IIT Controversy

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[edit] Background

The Ministry of Human Resources and Development (HRD) of the Government of India has set up several premier technical institutes, across the country that produce India's world class talent pool in science, engineering, and management, and contribute strongly to the economic development of the state where they are located as well as the nation. These institutions include the seven Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs), the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), the five Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs), the Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), several Central Universities, and a few other smaller institutions, all of which receive direct funding from the center (i.e. federal government) instead of relying on smaller budgets through their state and local governments.[1]

According to recent news reports, there has been large scale discrimination in setting up these institutions of higher learning against a few states, especially Orissa.[2] It has also been observed within scholarly circles that Orissa is routinely discriminated against by the Indian government, which has caused the state to lag behind the rest of the nation in terms of infrastructure, poverty reduction, literacy, education, and health.[3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10]

State Established institutions[11][12] Planned institutions[13][14]
Andhra Pradesh 2 Central univ., IIT SPA, 2 IIESTs, Central univ.
Arunachal Pradesh NE Regional Inst. of Sc., Central Univ (None)
Assam IIT, 2 Central univ. (None)
Bihar IIT (None)
Chhattisgarh (None) (None)
Delhi IIT, AIIMS, SPA, 4 Central univ. (None)
Goa (None) (National Institute of Technology)
Gujarat IIM (None)
Haryana NITTR (None)
Himachal Pradesh Indian Inst. of Adv. Studies (None)
Jammu & Kashmir (National Institute of Technology, Srinagar) (none)
Jharkhand Indian School of Mines, NIFFT (None)
Karnataka IISc, IIM,ISI (None)
Kerala IIM, SCT Instt. of Med. Sc., IISER IIEST
Madhya Pradesh IIM, IIITM, NITTR, IIITD&M, IISER SPA, IIT, AIIMS, NID, World Class Univ, Central Univ
Maharashtra IIT, NITIE, BOAT, AFMC, Central univ., IISER (None)
Manipur Central Agr. Univ. Central univ.
Meghalaya Central univ. IIM
Mizoram Central univ. (None)
Nagaland Central univ. (None)
Orissa (None) (None)
Rajasthan IIT (None)
Sikkim (None) Central univ.
Tamil Nadu IIT, NITTR, BOAT, Central univ. IIIT
Tripura (None) Central univ.
Uttarakhand IIT (None)
Uttar Pradesh IIT, IIM, IIIT, BOAT, 3 Central univ. IIEST, Central univ.
West Bengal IIT, ISI, IIM, Central univ., IISER IIEST

Table showing the distributions of institutions of national importance across India, excluding the NITs of which every major state has one.

[edit] Alleged discrimination in existing institutions

None of the premier institutions of national importance are located in the eastern state of Orissa. In terms of per capita funding received from the HRD ministry, it is among the bottom-most of all states. The only states below it are Bihar, Rajasthan, and a few very small states in the north eastern region. There have been estimates of the amount of HRD funding received by each state within the Indian union. One recently published estimate is provided in the table below.[1][15][16]

State Total2 Per capita Times Orissa State Total* Per capita Times Orissa
Andhra Pradesh 124.60 16 3.94 Arunachal Pradesh 14.5 127.00 31.2
Assam 225.74 82.00 20.13 Bihar 15.38 1.87 0.46
Chhattisgarh 15.38 17.40 1.82 Delhi 262.83 177.12 43.49
Goa 0.00 0.00 0.00 Gujarat 25.63 4.87 1.20
Haryana 18.85 8.52 2.09 Himachal Pradesh 21.18 33.79 8.30
Jammu & Kashmir 15.38 14.51 3.56 Jharkhand 43.64 16.22 3.98
Karnataka 136.63 25.13 6.17 Kerala 25.63 7.90 1.94
Madhya Pradesh 42.61 7.20 1.77 Maharashtra 172.03 17.09 4.20
Manipur 0.00 0.00 0.00 Meghalaya 54.61 225.10 55.27
Mizoram 54.61 584.05 143.40 Nagaland 54.61 249.01 61.14
Orissa 15.38 4.07 1.00 Punjab 33.55 13.34 3.27
Rajasthan 15.38 2.59 0.64 Sikkim 0.00 0.00 0.00
Tamil Nadu 112.77 17.79 4.37 Tripura 0.00 0.00 0.00
Uttaranchal 89.40 105.42 25.88 Uttar Pradesh 293.53 17.08 4.19
West Bengal 232.71 28.10 6.90 India Total 2102.31 20.00 4.91

*in crore (=10,000,000) rupees

The non-allocation of quality educational institutions to the state of Orissa by New Delhi has been interpreted by various quarters, ranging from politicians to Oriya academics living abroad, as proof of discrimination against the state by the HRD ministry. Orissa, which has 3.6% of the population of India, receives a minuscule 0.73% of the allocated budget[15] This, it is claimed falls within the purview of a larger pattern of what the national media has labeled as the "step-motherly treatment" meted out to Orissa by the government of India.

[edit] Alleged discrimination in establishing new institutions

India's recent rapid economic expansion has created the need for more world class talent. The Human Resources and Development ministry has undertaken the need to set up several more institutions of international quality. A total of twenty three institutions were announced, including more IITs, IIMs, Central Universities, as well as the new Indian Institutes of Science Education & Research (IISERs) and the Indian Institutes of Engineering Science & Technology (IIESTs), all under the 11th Five Year Plan. As before, the state of Orissa has not been allocated any institution of national importance and continues to be the last state in terms of per capita investment in human resources by the Indian government.[1][17][18] The regional disparities in this regard has been pointed out even by C. N. R. Rao, the scientific advisor to the Prime Minister of India.[19]

[edit] Establishing an IIT in Orissa

The HRD ministry has recently announced plans to build three additional IITs in the states of Rajasthan, Bihar, and Andhra Pradesh. According to recent reports, the allocation of the new IITs to Rajasthan and Bihar are to compensate them for earlier neglect.[20] Andhra Pradesh, which borders Orissa will get the third IIT, which allegedly was shifted from Orissa.[21]. If the Indian media is to be believed, the UPA government has categorically declined to establish an IIT in Orissa.[22][23][24]

[edit] Upgrading existing institute within Orissa to an IIEST

The IIESTs are a group of technical institutions that are planned to be established as IIT clones. They will be set up by upgrading existing NITs and other state funded prominent engineering institutions. Several institutions have been identified by the Indian government for this purpose.[25] Orissa has three premier technical institutions, the University College of Engineering (UCE) at Burla, the College of Engineering and Technology (CET) at Bhubaneswar College of Engineering and Technology, Bhubaneswar.</ref>, and the National Institute of Technology, Rourkela. CET ranks 47 among the engineering colleges in India Data Quest Ranks CetB 47th in India.</ref>. It was not considered for upgradation. UCE is among the oldest engineering colleges in India, but was allegedly sidelined when identifying potential IIESTs.[26] NIT Rourkela ranks the best in Orissa and among 20 best technical schools nationally.[27]

[edit] Shifting of planned IISER from Orissa

It has been alleged that the government had originally picked Bhubaneswar, the capital city of Orissa as one of the locations for an IISER, which was later shifted to Kolkata.[28] This issue was resolved when it was decided to set up a similar institution, the National Institute for Science Education and Research (NISER), which would be funded through a separate ministry. NISER is the only such upcoming institution in Orissa, whereas other states have had similar non-HRD funded institutions for several decades.[29]

[edit] Establishing a Central University in Orissa's KBK region

The Koraput-Balangir-Kalahandi (KBK) region of Orissa[30] is one of the most backward regions of India, with famines and large scale starvation deaths reported each year.[31] The region lacks infrastructure and the Indian government has done very little to alleviate the plight of the impoverished masses in those districts.[32][33] There is a long-standing demand by the people of Orissa for the Indian government to establish a central university in this region, as part of the plan to ameliorate the poverty through various direct and indirect means such as education, as is being done in the underdeveloped north-east region.[34][35][36][37]

[edit] Establishing an IIM in Orissa

The government of India has decided to establish three new IIMs.[38] There is a demand for one of the new management institutions to be established in Orissa, on grounds that the state is witnessing large-scale foreign investment, and because it is the bottom-most state in Indian central government funded institutions.[39]

[edit] Location of First IIT

It is widely believed in Orissa that the first IIT was to be established in Balasore. However due to some misunderstanding on the part of the state government, land could not be procured for the project and the first IIT was thus moved to Kharagpur. The proximity of Kharagpur to Orissa is cited as proof of the theory that the government of India actually intended the first IIT for Orissa. A similar theory is held in favour in Andhra Pradesh regarding IIT Madras. Both theories are highly controversial but reflect the dissatisfaction of the people of those states, especially Orissa in the allocation made by the central government in the field of higher education. An institution like IIT is a matter of honor for the home state and also a large investment. IIT Kharagpur for example, is a crucial element of Kharagpur's economy.

[edit] Politics related to the issue

[edit] Hot parliamentary issue

Politicians including the chief minister of Orissa, Mr. Naveen Patnaik, have sought to cast this festering issue as a sign of severe neglect of the state by the government in New Delhi led by the United Progressive Alliance (UPA).[40][41][42][43][44][45] In May 2007, the issue became a major issue in the Indian parliament.[46][47][48] In his words, “Orissa does not have a single institution of national excellence and the demand for IIT is a long-standing one”.[49] The opposition National Democratic Alliance (NDA) staged a walk-out in the Indian parliament, accusing the ruling UPA of neglecting the state's economic development.[50][51][52]

It has been reported by sections of the media in May 2007 that the Congress party led UPA government has been embarrassed by this issue.[53] The HRD minister, Mr. Arjun Singh has also relented.[54]

[edit] Street protests against alleged discrimination

There have been several incidents of protest in Orissa in 2007.[55] Students have taken to the streets to demand the setting up of an IIT and other educational institutions in Orissa.[56][57][58] Agamee Odisha, an organization spearheading a mass agitation in Orissa has organized statewide rallies.[59][60] There also have been stray incidents of violence related to the issue of Orissa's neglect.[61] In May 2007, this issue was taken up by the National Students Union of India (NSUI).[62]

[edit] References

[More Information on Orissa]

  1. ^ a b c Higher education, lower development (21-Dec-2006).
  2. ^ Cry to end higher education divide (01-Feb-2007).
  3. ^ "Poverty, Disparities, or the Development of Underdevelopment in Orissa" (2006). Economic and Political Weekly 40 (22, 23): 2330–2340. 
  4. ^ "Conceptualising social exclusion in the context of India’s poorest regions: a contribution to the quantitative-qualitative debate" (2004). Conference on Experiences of Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Poverty Appraisal. 
  5. ^ "Chronic Poverty and Remote Rural Areas in Eastern India" (2006). Conference on Experiences of Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Poverty Appraisal. Los Angeles, California: Population Association of America. 
  6. ^ "Poverty in Remote Rural Areas in India: Pattern, Processes of Reproduction, and Policy Imperatives" (03-2006). Understanding and addressing spatial poverty traps: an international workshop. Chronic Poverty Research Centre & Overseas Development Institute }location=Stellenboch, South Africa. 
  7. ^ Chronic Poverty in Remote Rural Areas. Birmingham, UK: International Development Department, Univ. Birmingham. 
  8. ^ Understanding chronic poverty in South Asia. 
  9. ^ Tata steel’s romance with Orissa: minerals-based underdevelopment and federal politics in India.
  10. ^ Analysis: Orissa's history of neglect.
  11. ^ State wise distribution of HRD National Highways funding in India: a preliminary report (20-Jan-2006).
  12. ^ Government of India, Ministry of HRD, Department of Highr Education (20-Jan-2006).
  13. ^ IITs 11th plan (20-Jan-2006).
  14. ^ MHRD discriminates against Orissa: You be the judge! (Jun-2007).
  15. ^ a b Statewise allocation of educational funds by HRD (2005).
  16. ^ Denying Basic Human Rights to Citizens of Orissa and Bihar (2005).
  17. ^ Bias against Bhubaneswar (1-Jul-2006).
  18. ^ The gold that keeps Orissa poor (17-Nov-2006).
  19. ^ PM's scientific adviser finds Plan paper weak (30-Sep-2006).
  20. ^ IITs to come up in Bihar, Andhra and Rajasthan (4-Mar-2006).
  21. ^ Three IITs for Andhra, none for Orissa (3-Mar-2006).
  22. ^ Govt says no to an IIT in Orissa (8-May-2007).
  23. ^ Centre rules out setting up of IIT in Orissa (9-May-2007).
  24. ^ Orissa not to have a premier IIT institute (2-Jun-2007).
  25. ^ The IIT story: IIESTs, 3 new IITs on way (20-Jan-2007).
  26. ^ Upgradation of Orissa’s oldest and finest engineering college ‘UCE, Burla’ as an IIEST.
  27. ^ India's top 20 engineering colleges (28-Jun-2005).
  28. ^ NIS/IISER/equivalent must be established in Orissa (20-Jan-2007).
  29. ^ Gross injustice to Orissa:Announced National Inst. of Sc. in Bhubaneswar renamed & shifted.
  30. ^ KBK Districts.
  31. ^ Shocking Reports Of Starvation Deaths (30-Sep-2001).
  32. ^ Ferment in Orissa (Jul/Aug-2001).
  33. ^ Centre to blame for starvation (31-Aug-2001).
  34. ^ Central university as development pill (20-Jan-2007).
  35. ^ Orissa demands IIT and KBK Univ (20-Jan-2007).
  36. ^ Central University: Union government ignores Orissa again (13-Nov-2005).
  37. ^ Open letter to Planning commission, Government of India (2006).
  38. ^ Three new IIMs need of the day: Moily sub-group (04-Aug-2006).
  39. ^ Patnaik writes to PM, wants IIT/IIM in Orissa (11-May-2007).
  40. ^ IIT must for Orissa: Naveen (16-May-2007).
  41. ^ Orissa CM writes to Centre for IIT in the State.
  42. ^ Union Govt’s neglect towards Orissa must be corrected: Naveen.
  43. ^ UPA discrimination on Orissa (03-Jun-2007).
  44. ^ Naveen slams Centre for ignoring Orissa (20-May-2007).
  45. ^ Rejection enrage Naveen (09-May-2007).
  46. ^ IIT issue echoes in LS (03-Jun-2007).
  47. ^ IIT Orissa hits Central wall (03-Jun-2007).
  48. ^ Naveen takes up IIT issue with Manmohan (11-May-2007).
  49. ^ Naveen calls for IIT cause (15-May-2007).
  50. ^ IIT for Orissa: NDA stages walkout (09-May-2007).
  51. ^ Orissa MPs stage walkout over IIT issue (2007).
  52. ^ Naveen kicks off movement against UPA Government (28-May-2007).
  53. ^ IIT issue to hit Congress: Congress leaders have no face to save (May-2007).
  54. ^ Centre will consider IIT for Orissa: Arjun Singh.
  55. ^ Vehicular movement hit over protests on proposed IIT (02-Feb-2007).
  56. ^ Political activists, students demand IIT for Orissa (11-May-2007).
  57. ^ Child prodigy Budhia rallies for IIT in Orissa (08-Apr-2007).
  58. ^ Janashakti to launch stir against Centre’s apathy (Apr-2007).
  59. ^ Agami Odisha members demand IIT for Orissa (2007).
  60. ^ Intellectuals to hit streets for IIT (3-Apr-2007).
  61. ^ Youths of BJD picks up fight (15-May-2007).
  62. ^ IIT: NSUI plans stir (23-May-2007).

[edit] External links

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