Order of the Crown of Thailand

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The Most Noble Order of the Crown of Thailand (Thai เครื่องราชอิสริยาภรณ์อันมีเกียรติยศยิ่งมงกุฎไทย) is a Thai order, established in 1869 by King Rama V for Thai and foreign dignitaries for their services to the kingdom. The order originally had 7 classes. The special class was added by King Rama VI in 1918.

[edit] Classes

  • Knight Grand Cordon (Special Class) of the Most Noble Order of the Crown of Thailand
Thai: มหาวชิรมงกุฎ ( má-hăa wá-chin mong-gòod)
Postnominals: ม.ว.ม.
  • Knight Grand Cross (First Class) of the Most Noble Order of the Crown of Thailand
Thai: ประถมาภรณ์มงกุฎไทย (bprà-tà-măa-pon mong-gòod tai)
Postnominals: ป.ม.
  • Knight Commander (Second Class) of the Most Noble Order of the Crown of Thailand
Thai: ทวีติยาภรณ์มงกุฎไทย (tá-wee dtì yaa pon mong-gòod tai)
Postnominals: ท.ม.
  • Commander (Third Class) of the Most Noble Order of the Crown of Thailand
Thai: ตริตาภรณ์มงกุฎไทย (dtrì dtaa pon mong-gòod tai)
Postnominals: ต.ม.
  • Companion (Fourth Class) of the Most Noble Order of the Crown of Thailand
Thai: จัตุรถาภรณ์มงกุฎไทย (jat-dtoo-rat rá-tăa-pon mong-gòod tai)
Postnominals: จ.ม.
  • Member (Fifth Class) of the Most Noble Order of the Crown of Thailand
Thai: เบญจมาภรณ์มงกุฎไทย (ben-jà maa pon mong-gòod tai)
Postnominals: บ.ม.
  • The Gold Medal (Sixth Class) of the Crown of Thailand
Thai: เหรียญทองมงกุฎไทย (rĭan tong mong-gòod tai)
Postnominals: ร.ท.ม.
  • The Silver Medal (Seventh Class) of the Crown of Thailand
Thai: เหรียญเงินมงกุฎไทย (rĭan ngern mong-gòod tai)
Postnominals: ร.ง.ม.

[edit] Thai Orders

See also: Thai Honours Order of Precedence

[edit] External links