Order of Lāčplēsis

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Orden ribbon
Orden ribbon

The first and the highest Latvian Military Award (the Bear-slayer) was established in 1919 on the initiative of the Supreme Commander of Latvia's Army Colonel Janis Balodis. The Lāčplēsis Order has First, Second and Third Class.

The medal of Lāčplēsis Military Order was a white enameled Thunder Cross and Fire Cross (Latvian left facing swastika) with red and golden edging. In the centre of the face side there was a medallion with picture of folk hero Lāčplēsis wrestling with a bear. On the reverse side there was date 11th November 1919 (the date when the Army of Latvia expelled Pavel Bermondt-Avalov troops from Riga) and engraved phrase "Par Latviju" (For Latvia). Edges of the cross were engraved with initials H.B., the trademark of silversmith Hermanis Banks. Order was designed by J. Liberts. The holders received also a diploma, designed by R. Zarins, with brief description of their achievement.

In the period 1919-1928 I Class were conferred on 11 persons. 61 persons (18 Latvians and 43 foreigners) were awarded with the II Class. III Class was conferred on 2072 persons (1600 soldiers of the Latvian army, 202 former Latvian riflemen and 271 foreigners). Among recipients are 11 Lithuanians, 47 Germans, 15 Russians, 9 Poles, 4 Jews and 3 Belarusians. Three women: Valija Vescunas-Jansone, Lina Canka-Freidenfelde and Elza Ziglevica were holders of the III Class of the decoration. The Order has been conferred on soldiers of the Armies of Estonia, Poland, Finland, France, Czechoslovakia, Lithuania, Denmark, Italy, Belgium, USA and Japan.

The first Award Ceremony took place on Esplanade Square in Riga on 11th November 1920, with President Jānis Čakste personally presenting the decorations to seven highest-ranking commanders of the Army of Latvia: General Peteris Radzins, Colonels Martins Penikis, Krišjānis Berķis, Julijs Jansons and Janis Apinis and Colonel-Lieutenants Oskars Dankers and Janis Purins.

Military Order of Lāčplēsis was also awarded to the foreigners: the Commander of Estonian Army General Johan Laidoner, Polish Marshall Józef Piłsudski, Edward Rydz-Śmigły, King of Italy Victor Emanuel and Prime Minister Benito Mussolini, King Albert I of Belgium and French Marshal and Generalissimo Ferdinand Foch.

The Fortress of Verdun, was also awarded the Lāčplēsis Military Order for heroism of it defenders during World War I.

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