Optimum Population Trust

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The Optimum Population Trust is a registered United Kingdom charity, think tank and campaign group concerned with the impact of population growth on the natural environment. With respect to population growth, it researches climate change, energy requirements, biodiversity and other environmental factors. OPT campaigns for stabilisation and gradual population decrease globally and in the United Kingdom. It advocates full access to family planning, better education and rights for women and that couples "stop at two". For the UK, it advocates greater effort to reduce the high rate of teenage pregnancies and that immigration is brought into balance with emigration.

The OPT was drawn to public attention after its conference in Oxford in 2003 where it was suggested that the UK population might be optimised at less than 30 million people, or less than half of the current level. [1]

[edit] Patrons

[edit] References

  1. ^ Alarm at plan to halve UK population The Observer, 28 September 2003, by Juliette Jowit.

[edit] External links