Operational Group

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Operational Group (Polish: Grupa Operacyjna, abbreviated GO) was the highest level of tactical division of the Polish Army before and during World War II and the Invasion of Poland. It was corps-sized, although various Operational Groups varied in size.

They first appeared in Polish tactical scheme during the Polish-Bolshevik War, most probably under the influence of French Military Mission to Poland. After the war they were dissolved.

Prior to World War II, the operational groups were recreated. Initially, in March of 1939, they consisted only of staffs formed around existing corps commands. According to the Polish mobilization scheme, they were to become mobile reserves of the Polish armies and other major strategic-scale units.

Some groups were formed during the final mobilization of late August of 1939, others were formed during the war as strategic considerations necessitated. Most were attached to armies, several however were independent.

  • Independent Operational Groups
  1. Independent Operational Group „Polesie” under gen. Franciszek Kleeberg. Created around September 9th-11th.
  2. Independent Operational Group „Narew” under gen. Czesław Młot-Fijałkowski. Created on March 23rd
  3. Operational Group „Wyszków” under gen. Wincenty Kowalski. Created on September 1st.
  4. Operational Group „Grodno” under gen. Józef Olszyna-Wilczyński. Created in early September; disbanded on September 10th before the battle of Grodno begun; most units moved towards Lwów.
  5. Operational Group of Cavalry under gen. Władysław Anders
  • Operational Groups as part of armies
  1. Operational Group „Bielsko” under gen. Mieczysław Boruta-Spiechowicz (on September 3 renamed to Operational Group „Boruta”)
  2. Operational Group „Czersk” under gen. Stanisław Grzmot-Skotnicki
  3. Operational Group of Cavalry under Roman Abraham
  4. Operational Group „Koło” under gen. Edmund Knoll-Kownacki (on September 6 renamed to Operational Group „Knoll-Kownacki”)
  5. Operational Group „Piotrków” under gen. Wiktor Thommée (on September 6 renamed to Operational Group „Thommée”)
  6. Southern Operational Group under gen. Stanisław Skwarczyński)
  7. Northern Operational Group under gen. Jan Kruszewski
  8. Operational Group „Sieradz” under gen. Franciszek Dindorf-Ankowicz
  9. Operational Group „Śląsk” under gen. Jan Jagmin-Sadowski (on September 3 renamed to Operational Group „Jagmin”)
  10. Eastern Operational Group under gen. Mikołaj Bołtuć (on September 9 renamed to Operational Group „Bołtuć”)

In addition, during the Invasion of Poland in 1939, several other corps-sized units were formed or improvised. All of them were named after their commanding officers:

  1. Rudolf Dreszer
  2. Kazimierz Orlik-Łukoski
  3. Stanisław Grzmot-Skotnicki
  4. Michał Karaszewicz-Tokarzewski
  5. Juliusz Zulauf

[edit] See also

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